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Everything posted by oma

  1. print to a text file? are you still thinking of adding this in? :wink: ciao OMA
  2. its been awhile since I was here last. just wanted to let you know I've checked in for another look around since I've more time today. doing some fine things with those sigs. keep up the great work ciao OMA
  3. just dropping in I've been here before but didn't leave a comment. more time today. just wanted to tell you I really love this image ciao keep up the great work OMA
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks for saying so. Wish I'd had a bit of actual art training. Mainly self taught. I do read a lot of books. LOL!
  5. good luck Helen that's a great entry. It shows your graphic background training. lovely work. ciao
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you sure have ....... hey I'm normal ...... I never get tired of someone saying so. thanks ! on another note I don't want to double post I finally finished my index on page 1. only took me a couple of months...what can I say I kept getting sidetracked making art work.
  7. Mike I'm having same problems getting things down to smaller number of steps. I've also been considering scriptlab in my tuts. since they are in .sls and not xml or txt how do we upload them? ciao
  8. Mike I totally love all your sigs and avai work. Clean professionally done work. I totally respect how they shows a high degree of polish, not just a render with edges blurred and smacked on top with some brushes. That last one with the blue "M" is just magnificent. I always enjoy looking at your gallery, keep those wonderful pieces coming. ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen and Welshblue. I'm pretty pleased with this. I did a bit more shadow and highlight work and a better composition crop for my DA gallery (link is in my sig). Welshblue what is a "collab piece"? I've noted the steps to making the pear and just about have a basic tut done. its in a scriptlab format so far so will be doing screen shots tonight and a text write up. It is not near as involved as this one was but the tut will give you all the idea of what went into it and how to do some basic shading. It will give you a basic idea of what type of texture to use for background of fruit. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    finished pear, grapes and strawberry on a table picture. fairly pleased with it. and to think when I joined here in Jan 2007 all I could draw were stick men. LOL! see page 20 for finished drawing. not 100% but darn close if I do say so myself LOL!
  11. that would be because it is an additional plugin written to go with the basic Paint.Net. this tut requires 3 plugins. I've added the links in the first part of the tut so you can find these add ons. also there is a link about how to add plugins that I added. you should read that entire thread. I know I know its a lot of reading when you want to just jump in and make things. beleive me it will make your useage of this program a lot easier if you read those things first. Understanding will give you a better chance at making exceptional art. ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks for the comments and ideas LFC4ever. I added the stem and a couple of leaves the shadow might need adjusting to show the stem and leaves but don't think so. Will be trying that out later tonight. BlissC I've added darker shadows under the grapes that ought to help weight them down to the table so they don't seem to float away. as you all can see in the little workshots I just added on previous page I'm now attempting the strawberry I wanted to add to this. It looks like yuk right now the seeds are too uniform the shading is terrible but it will look much better soon. I promise. So everyone you see I've challenged myself this year in Paint.Net. Who else has started something major? ciao OMA
  13. not bad that 3d beta not sure I'm going to use it too often especially since I can not remember any of my sin and cos math. Still a tad sluggish. no luck on adding just a few more nodes on the oct reshape plugin. Or has that more or less taken back burner. 2 more each side would help enormously when using this. By the way I use that plugin in at least 40% of my work. also any thoughts to just adding individual dll's within a zip. I like to pick and choose what I populate my effects menu with. OMA
  14. sorry didn't notice yu asked a question till this morning. now are you speaking of the first fill green gradiant? there are several reasons this could be happening. 1) you've wand outside the leaf shape and have not then hit control + i (inverted your selection) 2) you may have the :AlphaChannel: set when it should be :AllColorChannels: 3) check your colors if you are using same color as the background it will not show up. 4) check you haven't set any colors as transparent opacity last don't laugh now anyone I did this when I first started. 5) my selection was correct on correct layer but I just cliked the two buttons and thought it would fill automatically with the gradiant. you need to position your cursor where you want the one color to start left clik and drag your mouse in the direction the gradiant is to go. off hand those are the things I can think of If you check all of these things and its not still working upload a picture of your screen at the point where you clik the gradiants. I'm not sure what it is. ciao OMA
  15. when you use the search button upper top right of the forum screen. You need to enter Pleasantville effect as the search parameter. that will take you to the correct topic/tut ciao OMA .
  16. great looking gallery. I love seeing how Paint.net is being used for some real applications. excellent work all around. ciao OMA
  17. hey I just don't want you to burn my eyes out. remember keep it clean for all the kiddies and us old ladies.
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks all, I've updated the picture. darkened around stem, added some more highlights and low lights in the pear, waxed the grapes and added a background. :wink: see post on page 20. ciao OMA
  19. thanks think I've solved the flatness problem. posted update in my gallery. ciao once again thanks again. another set of eyes is a wonderful thing.
  20. I think my drawing of grapes is getting much closer but there is something off in this picture. I'm not sure what it is. :?: is it the perspective ? is it the shadows? or the colors? is it something in the composition? if so what should be added? help
  21. I like that one Jerkfight. you saying the stars are only semi opacity. is that because you blur the paint dots? what happens when you make a dup of that layer and set to multiply? ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks I don't like the stem piece that's awful. needs something but I ate the pear threw away the core and now have no reference.
  23. nice perspective drawing.
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