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Everything posted by oma

  1. OK reading required RGB to HSV color conversion precision is the term you need for researching this on the Internet. As far as I can make out its the rounding down that occurs between the two different types of algorithms. Oh I do so hope I don't get pawnd on this one, its how I understood this. ciao OMA
  2. Hi Pyrochild I was just going to post this but see there is a fix this morning. I'll just go and download corrected version from first post . ciao OMA :wink:
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thank you Kemaru, the big bird award to me is the best one of all the awards. I'm glad you liked my index banner, I agonized over which pictures to show, I wanted a real variety, and think I acheived that. By the way all of those were done by moi! I think the only ones I used outside source was the polar bear, (I hand drew that) and the scenery of the lake with trees (I took that picture myself) and played with the pastel plugin. The man in Evil in the night came from this question on the forum. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22158&hilit=drew+struzan I still think of it as one of my most challenging pieces. I think I really learned on the fly on this one. ciao OMA
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    hubby says I'm carrying a suitcase for a handbag now. Now wonder my chiroprator bills are so high think I'll have to buckle down and work on some sort of mini tut to share some ideas of how to go about an abstract. that's of course after I finish the one on the pear. Having a heck of a time knocking that down to something less than a zillion steps. ciao OMA
  5. ? lost in discussion now. over my head. explain please simon. ciao
  6. drat drat drat and I thought we were that close. Oh well. Guess it gave you a coding workout even if you can not implement it yet. by the way have I told you lately you are great!. big bird hug coming your way. ciao OMA
  7. oma

    linkz' Gallery

    Hi linkz just dropping by to see how your gallery is coming along. I don't often leave comments about sigs, as I find most are just too dark for me to see well. But the one "papyrus" I find very appealing and calming to look at, almost with a painterly feel to it. ciao OMA
  8. Oh this is a refreshing gallery to visit. real clean looking very graphic. I'll be back often to see what new items you come up with. ciao OMA
  9. off hand I can not think of a plug in that does this automatically. Ed Harveys halftones gives symetric dots as far as i remember. this tut you may be able to modify. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4908&start=0 Edit the half tone does seem to work on images like that just need to do a gradiant. I'd been experimenting using solid alpha coloration. you may still want to look at the old legacy tut from quite awhile back (link above) this may give you some other ideas and tips. ciao sorry for confusion OMA
  10. Ahh so that's what was holding this up. Hadn't realized. Hope I didn't put you on the spot mentioning you'd been working on it previously. now where in the world is Rick ...... Rick.....Rick we need to fix the UI to work with this. LOL! Thanks pyrochild. take care ciao OMA
  11. that's what layers are for. also look into how rings are made. you put one layer over another and cut away portions not seen. hint hint. ciao
  12. yes it would be awesome, but you all will have to check with Pyrochild. That was last April he mentioned seam carving. whatever if anything ever came of it ....well your guess would be a good as mine. ciao OMA (see everyone I do pay attention to the tech stuff mentioned around here and actually understand 1/10Th )
  13. David. hope pyrochild didn't forget this one. and he hasn't any trouble working out the code. Ref Re: ScriptLab v2.2 (2008-4-26) Hidden Content:
  14. you might explore what the difference between a raster style program is as compared to vector. look up both definitions in wikipedia. Photoshop is vector. Paint.net is bit map orientated you've probably done it is one of the easiest methods using Paint.net. there's probably other ways but I've not had a chance to try this tut out. ciao OMA
  15. pyrochild had been working on something awhile back. I've just left a note in his plugins section not sure how far along he is. or if its a dead duck so to speak. ciao OMA
  16. how far along is seam carver? ciao
  17. three ships sailing over the horizon? some guy with snorkel gear riding a whales back? a guy stranded on an island holding up some funny sign. If you look at my gallery I did on page 1 an island floating in the sky for a different perspective view. main suggestion ..... how about something anything at all to draw my attention into the scene. Sometimes just a touch of some other contrast color in the water helps give that little bit of artistic tension. is this daytime/or nighttime. if its day sun and reflections. or stars if night. You've got a real nice start lets just see you push the envelope and take that baby to the extreme. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue right back at you Happy New Year's and all the best in 2009! ciao OMA
  19. no problem it can be the biggy for 2009.
  20. and I was all ready to return my defective Paint.Net to wally mart for another one. but that would be a pretty awesome blendmode. ciao PS I'm still wishing for some sort of double load brush.
  21. Oh Janettsue I remember that sig. I always liked it and I'm glad you brought this one back out and dusted it off, to see daylight for a little bit longer. ..... ciao OMA
  22. Hi just stopped by to see how your gallery is coming along. verdict...it is coming along at lovely pace. you keep up the good work. I'll be back often to see what you are up to, won't always leave a comment but will be watching from the background. ciao OMA
  23. this is the best gallery for space scapes ever! I'm definietly loving all of them but the last one is fantastic. ciao OMA
  24. you have some nice quality work here. I'll be back to see what you come up with next. ciao OMA
  25. really nice gallery so far. Its been fun to see your work progress. Keep up the good work. ciao OMA
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