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Everything posted by oma

  1. Helen your little octopus is so precious. ciao OMA
  2. @Storm.Shadow thanks for the links. when you do the outline using line tool hope that you know to use right button on mouse it gives a bezier curve. that might help with the drawing of the shoulders of the bottle. like the gaussian blur painting that's how I color most of my images. LOL! ciao OMA
  3. he followed my tut viewtopic.php?f=31&t=28453 @Storm Shadow that's real nice. How about you pour me a nice glass of wine I'm parched. The only thing that I think makes it not roundish is the shoulders of the bottle. They seem a bit too square. could you give us the links to both those tuts please. ciao OMA
  4. @rtargo20 very well done. I'm glad you enjoyed the tut. It was difficult to get down to just a few steps but well worth it to show beginners how to do this easy method of colorization. ciao keep up the great work. OMA
  5. how many layers do you have? more than one? if not more than one it will not ask you. OMA
  6. means I've been working on a consistant method for getting good looking plastic wrap for over a year. and its like trying to do glass, method is one time good next time same steps yield nada! its something I'd also want as a plugin. for now the closest I've gotten was that picture I posted. go look at the larger version on my gallery (think its page 3) that's what I managed so far. but as I say steps work sometimes, sometimes not. ciao OMA
  7. tsk tsk tsk the search button shall reveal all. do the search using conditional hue as the term. some one asked how to do Rainbow text. The method you want is in the answers to them in that thread. ciao
  8. Oh that apple is a great adaptation of the tut. Did you note the distort settings you used? please share if you did! nice coloration. looks juicy. ciao OMA
  9. just bumping up your gallery to the top. You did my tut! great great job. ! ciao OMA
  10. yes blur painting. Catchy title. Those blurs have been here for always, and are so ignored. They help with a lot more than just merging renders to sig backgrounds. I can't think of a picture I've not used them in. just giving the good old standards the recognition they deserve. and I also wanted to let everyone know that 3d shape could be the basis for more than just orbs, cylinders, and boxes. By using a few distorts other shapes can be had. Open some new avenues for pictures. look forward to the watermellon. You going to slice me off a piece, or do I have to bring my own utensils because it will arrive uncut? ciao OMA
  11. @goonfella That's great. I love how you did the stem. I'm going to have to look closely at that apple tut. I noticed you gave me a link in your gallery. Its the one thing I really need practice on. I think I did my shadow the same way. only stretched it out longer. as you say the rotate is fiddly. @welchblue I also look forward to seeing one by you. @Simon that's not too bad. off hand I can't tell where you went wrong but I suspect its the steps of bulge. maybe you missed a negative instead of a plus setting. Maybe a bit more color. but not too shabby for a first attempt at this type of painting using just blurs. great work guys.
  12. don't you just wow! do some blur painting and let me know if its difficult or easy. :wink: just joking I'd love someone to give this a whirl and let me know where the tut needs beefing up with more info. ciao
  13. :idea: two layers of your image. top edges set at additive and then polar and distorted using buldges etc. a few other things were done here but I don't recall. but it was definetly additive and edges.
  14. I think this piece is more than rather nice. It has a musical feel to it. and these I haven't seen that photoshop tut do you have a link avail ? ciao OMA
  15. I like this one. you seem to be on a roll lately, I've seen more images coming from you in the past two months than I've seen in a very long time. keep them coming.
  16. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592 part of plugin pkg look at lightrays. or do you mean the sparkly stars? you can use the sparkles in same pkg by Madjik or do them the same way as in the tut. step 2 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=26986&hilit=vector
  17. thanks guys. Simon I sure hope that's a shock in a good way. its a very simplified version takes some practice to determine the correct amount of blur required to the brush size used. But really effective once mastered. I hope someone tries this even if they don't want to make a pear. Its how I do most of my coloration texture work.
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I've added a simplified version of doing the Pear in the tut section. Hope this helps some of you get going. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=28453 ciao OMA
  19. I turly hope it is a good tut It was darn hard to condense this one down to get a good outcome. As always my own work I do many many more steps, and finer blurs and more layers of painting and set transparency at different levels. But this seems to give a fairly decent scoot down. ciao OMA
  20. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it I've rated this a bit beyond beginners . It seems very long as I've put in many pictures of even basic steps. I will say this you must already know how to add plugins and how to add layers, merge layers,. Select outside an object using the wand and control + i. ======================= these would be added plugins required for this little tut along with the link on how to add plugins. Plugins required: Power stretch Shape3d ...NOTE if you have trouble downloading these plugins do not ask in this thread. The correct forum procedure is to ask with in the thread of the plug in you are having difficulty with. This way the plug in writer has a better chance of seeing your question and addressing any updates or corrections they need to do for making their plugins run smoothly. In most cases if you read through the entire section on the plugin (page 1 to the end) someone else has had same issue and there is a solution mentioned already. ================================== This is not a punch and go tut. You must use some artistic judgement. especially in part 2. So lets begin open a new file. use 800 x 600 for this example . it needs to be transparent. (it opens all white background edit>select all> delete button. it should now be checkerboard PART 1 setting up the skin and shape. this is all done on one layer. colors used primary CDF280 secondary 64CE5A 1) render> clouds yes I said clouds. it gives a good mottle texture found in most fruit. settings are just default. 2) distort> seamless texture maker. default settings 3) repeat distort> seamless texture maker at default settings. you should end up with something similar to this don't be alarmed if it is not the exact same. It is the nature of clouds what you are looking for is that dead centre those lines radiating outwards gives you the stem portion indent look. Stick with me you will see in the next step. 4) render>shape 3d you are leaving at sphere and only changing these four settings. axis 1 55.6 axis 2 36.9 axis 3 29.1 and uncheck the light box. 5) looks like a green orange. now we need to reshape this to a pear. I use a variety of distorts for this in my original pear picture but simplified for you in this tut down to these three settings of distort bulge to start. pay close attention if it is a negative or plus setting. and your decimal spot. distort > bulge settings 100 centre 0.62 -0.29 hit the OK button next distort > bulge settings 100 centre -0.52 -0.53 hit the OK button next distort > bulge settings 100 centre -0.90 -0.15 hit the OK button. 6) I'm not liking the left side so I'm going to use distort > power stretch (watch your negative and and plus settings) these are the settings 14 0 -11 -24 .09 -0.63 0 7) last reshape. distort > bulge settings 45 -0.65 0.25 (again the negative and plus settings are important) 😎 this is what you should end up with. At this point it should really be cleaned up around the edges (aa and make a mask). I'm skipping that step as this tut is about the shading more than masking. ======================================================================== Well that doesn't look like much of anything beyond clouds in a pear shape. It really really needs some shading and color to bring it to life. Part 2 Color now everyone has their own method of doing coloring. some like brushes, some like smudge me I like to use blurs. I find they tend to look very realistic. So I'm going to show you how to blur color and you can go back in latter and do you own brush and smudge if you wish. But please try it this way just this once. Its very close to actual painting. You still need a semi artistic eye for placement of light, medium and dark values. I tried to simplify it down to just a few steps. When I did my pear I had about 3 or 4 times the number of painting blurring layers with more transparency changes. this is a very simple version. 1) you have on a transparent layer your pear shape from part 1 above. 2) wand outside the pear shape and control + i you leave this active all the way to the end of the tut DO NOT DESELECT at any time until you are ready to do the stem or the shadow 3) add a transparent layer I set my brush at 20 remember if you paint half along half on and half outside the marching ants line, only the color inside those lines will show that's great. you don't want a solid even line all the way around. It would make it too symmetrical looking. pears have dents and dips. notice where the pear dips in at the top the green is wider, I put in some yellow along the left bottom edge that's your reflective edge (gives a bit of roundness) l used three colors DB3D3D FFFF93 and 008700 4) the next step is to blur these out in this case I used a 75 gassiaun blur. 5) OK stand back be honest, It looks not too good. It truly needs to be darker in some spots more yellow in others a bit more red etc etc. . so we go again. same colors same brush size (actually I did use a bit brighter yellow but not too much different from first yellow, beginners stick with the same colors for now until you get more experienced at color mixing.) on another transparent layer 6) so you need to blur that but how do you determine what number 75 might or might not be correct this time. look at these two first one on the left is at a low rate. see the lines of paint just show too much and don't seem to be spread out enough = not good the one on the right looks like too much blur you don't see much difference = not good so somewhere in the middle you need to use your judgement. It takes practice believe me I've been doing these blur paintings for quite a while, and I still use the undo button and back up a number of times. lets try it this setting for now 7) its looking much much better now so go ahead image > flatten 😎 duplicate the flattened layer (you should still have selection active marching ants!) set the blend mode on this new layer to multiply I left it at 255 opacity for now but you can adjust this later in step 10. 9) on this layer use photo > glow 10) now adjust the opacity of this top layer. leave as multiply but tone down the tranparency a bit. I set mine around 124. 11) image > flatten 12) I'm an impatient sort of person. I like to add my shadows now before I do the stem. That's just a me thing you can wait and add them at the end. add a semi transparent black shadow. one long one on side away from light and a little one under the other side bottom edge. NOTE: ( I didn't take pictures of this but if you all need them I can fake out some for you at this point. ) also don't forget to add a white highlight on the side where the light comes from . (this is done the same way as you do the shiny buttons white gradient.... remember the second color is transparent....one other thing to note I use a radial gradient instead of linear.) adding the shadows now gives me a better idea of how real it is looking. ( I might at this point go in and do some more color layers or a bit more distort.... but you leave it for now it will give you a fairly good pear) 13) add a transparent layer and using the line tool and a shade of brown draw in the stem. 14) set the stem into the dip at the top of the pear. add another transparent layer use dark dark green dot about a size 20 brush right there at bottom of stem and in dent of pear. then Gaussian blur I did it around 15 here. remember that blur should not be going outside the pear boundary. how do you stop that do you still have active selection if not wand outside pear + control i then blur 15) hopefully you've a decent pear. it takes practice but its not difficult. 16) so I've given you some basics of painting using blur can you manage to shade the stem? its wand outside the stem control + i add your transparent layer and paint in lighter and darker shades and blur. when you are done go ahead and flatten the image. ciao OMA
  21. sound like he wants (space between the letters and the outside black outline. ) black letters on a transparent layer. run outline any color perhaps same color as the background you are inserting it over. then run a black outline set your tolerance low and wand out the middle outline. you may have to do some pixel painting to fix up any stray middle color. thing you need to watch out for is the spacing between your font letters and how wide you make those outlines.
  22. adjust the levels input and output then highlight and shadow recovery. its about as best as I can go, in a quick one pass adjustment. how important is it ? you could always cut out each person for separate layer and do the levels input /output and hightlight and shadow recovery different settings each person. You know their true skin hues better than we do. I seem to think the fellow on the far right looks fine in original, when I did this I did it all one layer so now he looks a tad reddish. If you decide to do a bang up job on it I'd cut out the background completely that overhead light in the background and the ceiling beams are really distracting. ciao
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