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Everything posted by oma

  1. gal you do glossy like no other. love the heart one. so sweet! thanks for all your fine pictures. such an inspiration to us all. ciao OMA
  2. that's not a bad suggestion Boude, when you do your watermelon you can explain to LlamaXD what colors you used and how and where you blur paint for a little extra roundness. He's not been here too long and is just learning so I'm sure he would appreciate your tips. A good rule of thumb for critiques in my thread is to offer the solution with the comment. for the person who asked me for plums. plum and cherries (used 3d shape and two cloud layers (changed colors to two tones of red in both primary and secondary, little darker than bright red. ) when you make the clouds don't use the seamless texture steps like I did in the Pear above. just make a layer of clouds. then use the 3d shape plug in. so it is this make two layers of clouds. 3d shap plugin.... its a round shape on one layer and then an oval shape on the top layer . Hint those toggles at the top where it shows sphere size. use the first three, mostly the second one, add a transparent layer in between for your stem. do the stem and then merge layers together. the plum done exactly same way same red colors. and adjusted using blue and yellow in color balance plugin. just a bit bigger with different blend modes. HINT you will find glow and multiply are required.
  3. Ah! that is so finely done. you managed to figure that out by yourself. great work. Some of the next steps you can work on is getting rid of those jagged edges. It using alpha masking , don't worry if its a hard concept to learn I have a difficult time myself with it. ciao and I think you are on your way in Paint.Net. good work. I'm off to check if you've a gallery going yet. OMA ciao
  4. do you mean the shadow where the watermelon blocks the sunlight on the ground. Or do you mean for the outside texture of the skin. If you mean the type of shadow where the light is blocked out I'd suggest you go and read this tut where Sharp shows you how to make a glass ball. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27739 There are more complicated ways that will give maybe an more exact shadow . but for a beginner project how he does it there in step 9 should look real fine with your watermelon. one thing you might keep in mind. on a watermelon doesn't spot where I put the stem of my pear not go on the side on a watermelon. You can get that moved by playing with the x,y,z dials in the shape 3d . give it a try see if you can figure that out. if not I'll be back in tomorrow real quick and give you some settings. BUT I'm sure you can do this so try it yourself and have some fun playing around getting used to using the plugin. real good for figuring it out yourself. You have a good eye, to note what plugins I used in the real quickie version. when I did the rays I did them on a separated layer, and used primary color solid ,secondary 0 transparency. then in the layers blend I lowered the transparency. I can't wait until you post that cake in your gallery. make sure you save me a real nice big slice.
  5. absolutley agree BoltBait. new TOYS! now what kid/teenager doesn't want those. and all for free. HINT: download BoltBaits pkg make him smile. also fun ones for newbies are the ones by Madjik and those by Pyrochild. Beleive me once you have one or two you run the risk of becoming a plugin junky.
  6. unless you have any first hand info to add for the authorties leave it and let them do their jobs . They are the professionals and you have no idea what other tips have come into them previously that this untouchedup photo can confirm. Someone else may have actually noted something and any retouch by amatures of this photo may hinder their investigation. so in other words unless you have something other than a guess to add don't take away their valuable investigative time. OMA
  7. simple way to think of it. Paint.Net or Paint.Net with plugins should be called "Paint.Net delux ultra plus plus plus improved.!" take the plunge download some and give them a work out. new things spark new creativity. :wink:
  8. Hi welcome to the forum! love the space cowboy picture. That really made me smile. For just a beginner you are doing some real nice things. very creative. I'll be back to see how you are progressing. Have fun with the Paint.Net program. ciao OMA
  9. oma

    My Artwork

    Hi just stopping by to see how you are doing. wanted to tell you I liked that green picture with the skulls. ciao keep up the good work and have fun making pictures. OMA
  10. How did I miss commenting on such a fine gallery. Its off to a great start, very well done my young friend. Very well done indeed. I'll be by more often ,,,, I promise. and for the record I love the wine bottle. LOL! I always have been partial to red wine. ciao OMA
  11. Hi nice to see you've been working away again on new drawings. Love the simplicity and colors, they are such happy drawings. keep up the good work. I'll be checking in often to see how you are doing. ciao take care OMA
  12. welcome to the forum. You have a fine start to your gallery. I will be watching how you progress. have fun with the Paint.Net program. ciao OMA
  13. very nice gallery so far. love the wings on the finnish pixie. keep up the good work ciao OMA
  14. I've been meaning to stop by this week to let you know I truly love the sig you've been using lately I really like this one. ciao OMA
  15. you are welcome , glad you were able to figure it out with such limited info I gave you. very sorry about that but I was only popping in for a few mins. last night to work on a tut update. look forward to viewing some of your upcoming artwork ciao OMA
  16. you will need to download a few plugins . Madjiks pkg. you need to use grid maker and polar to rectangle. your canvas needs to be square shape. you play around with those two plugins and see what you come up with. if you still need more guidance check back in. someone will most likely be on and give you some more pointers.
  17. yes it is a real oldie but should provide some entertainment for a few. its a complicated one and I'm opening myself up for mega "Oma I can't do this, I don't understand prompts and questions ." that's why I'm taking the time to redo and add mega screenshots. ciao
  18. couple of scoops of icecream and some hot chocolate sauce and those bannana's and that strawberry would make a mighty fine bananna split. just need a few sugar speckles on the bananna peels. LOL! great job. I'm tackling a kiwi and its not going too well. Will have to leave it for now. I want to get an old tut back up and running. ciao OMA
  19. You mean something like http://0-ash-0.deviantart.com/art/Heat- ... t-61652750 ? Ash do you remember when , you, Vern, Madjik, myself and a few others discussed this way back in early 2007. When glass was just a faint hope for us all. this old old post might shed some light on what you are speaking of about bending a shadow. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=20683&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15 PS I have found most of the old pictures and will either re write this or add the pictures back in after the person incharge of tutorial concerns gets back to me.
  20. Oma waves hand in the air count me in for the tut ASH. Always willing to learn a few new tricks and tips. ciao
  21. :oops: I added back in too many layers for the opacity? I'm stuggling with this yes white higlight agree too wide and strong. here is another one I'm working on. color is off I know but is it looking anything like I'm intending it to?
  22. :?: well I just about understand those explinations but do you all just duplicate the layers until you acheive full alpha again? This masking seems to work better on images that are being cut from background not images a person is drawing with line tools and ovals and squares into a picture. ciao
  23. :? I don't quite get that madjik I'm having some real senior moments this week. If I zoom out to 100 % I can not draw a full size picture properly. I can not judge where one line should be in relationship to another. I'll try the brush size check box you mentioned. thanks OMA
  24. @sharp I like the texture and coloration, but I'm not sure it seems sort of like a disc instead of a sphere. It needs a bit more roundness ball shape to it. I've been practising with alpha mask. still not sure I've got it down pat but think I'm getting closer. How are the jaggies looking on this one? any better? or worse? the bottom right corner looks off to me. but not sure why if I mirror this over the centre its the same but when I use the alpha mask I get those off bits ? another question when I use the plugin it takes away the transparency of my picture. I had to duplicate the layer 4 or 5 times to get back opacity. so its obvious I'm doing something else wrong, hints, tips anyone?
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