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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I missed you to Helen. yes thanks I did get your e mail, sorry I didn't reply right away, but I've not even had a chance to sit and study it so far. looks great though, and I'll be asking you some questions about it shortly. and yes I had a chance to look at your fairy, just a quick look, I'm feeling better this morning and will be looking thru most of the galleries again, probably won't leave any comments today,( I'll never see them all if I chat on each one ) anyways I must really be feeling better this morning I did a little picture just because I liked so much the wine glass I saw Goonfella working on. mine is still pretty ragged this is the first try. LOVE POTION #9 just playing around can't concentrate #3 above just when I get the top looking better the stem looks off. try try and try again. LOL!
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just stopping in for a few mins. feeling a bit better but not able to sit too long at the computor. just wanted to say thanks to all for the comments on the last picture "She makes my heart sing" @survulus you may not know who Jimmy Hendrix was, he was a real legend of the acid culture music. That's why I used real retro acid tones of colors. I was listening and singing this song. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=PShb9YiCEy0
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just stopping in for a few mins. feeling a bit better but not able to sit too long at the computor. just wanted to say thanks to all for the comments on the last picture "She makes my heart sing" @survulus you may not know who Jimmy Hendrix was, he was a real legend of the acid culture music. That's why I used real retro acid tones of colors. I was listening and singing this song. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=PShb9YiCEy0
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    'nuff said. again! oh you poor child what seems to be the problem. You better see a doctor if you keep fainting like that. :wink: I'm quickly running out of smelling salts. ciao
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks I really need some musical notes added but I'm not musically inclined so need someone to help me. . If I did it the notes I'd probably string together might be all discordinate. well ..... it would sound like cats with their tails in a wringer, if truth were told. I'm so totally tone deaf. .
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "she makes my heart sing" EDIT I guess I should put in the inspiration. I was listening to a J Hendrix tune "Wild thing, you make my heart sing" and as usual in my off tone voice I was singing at the top of my lungs the WRONG words !
  7. jannettsue she is such a cutie. love the wings! she just makes my heart flutter. sort of a cross between abstract and reality? full size in my gallery pg 23
  8. no actually I haven't forgotten. You were reprimanded for typing in an annoying manner in one of the forums a few months back . But I'm sure glad you are over that now and ready to show us your art work. Beleive me these two are real nice and show great potential if you stick with it. Look forward to viewing additonal pieces here shortly. If you are stuck for ideas maybe try a few tuts for now see if they spark a creative flow. ciao OMA EDIT: not much slips past Oma. ( that's grandmother in German!)
  9. I don't think we have this function yet but this is my work around for doing multiply page tiff files in my genealogy work. use Irfanview (free Program) open tiff image navigate to page you wish to work with (up down arrows ... my version are green arrows in red box) file save as .jpg make sure you note where you put it. open paint.net program file>open> locate the saved as file above. then do your edit. sorry its the only work around I know of. perhaps someone else has an easier method. ciao
  10. great name! welcome to the forum. I like the one with the little dogs. I look forward to seeing more from you. ciao OMA
  11. welcome to our forum. I like that first one a lot. it looks sort of creamy like icecream. only blue icecream. will be watching your gallery. ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    quick someone bring the smelling salts. LFC4EVER just got a case of the vapours. @Storm.shadow thanks that is very nice of you to say that. All I can tell you is it takes Practice, Practice, and more practice. Don't get discouraged if what you make doesn't always turn out how you wanted it to. That's why I put the "Oma's Trash bucket section in my first post (at the bottom). Not every piece I make looks great, some are way better than others, but some that don't look so hot taught me more. come back any time. ask what ever you wish about the pictures. If I remember what I did or even roughly what I've done to make a certain thing I'll share. ciao OMA
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Goonfella you might be interested in the new section I just added to my index on page 1 Where I raid my trash bin. some pretty wicked (bad, terrible) images. My horrible mistakes. Just started it with one image so far. But it should prove to be a real eyeopener for some. OMA has to work at this the same as everyone else ..... and not all of her pictures are for public consumption. ciao
  14. yes he was very nightmare-ish wasn't he. Helen and I had been PMing about good and bad images and about either posting them or not. He was one I pulled out of the trash bin. At least Nab I hoped learned how to do a step he was needing for a project from it. That poor puppy was so ugly! now he is going back in the trash bin. I have said in the past I learn a lot from my bad trash. This one I learned red and yellow and green don't look good as dog colors (looks more like a turkey than a dog) but on the plus side I learned how to give good perspective of a dog coming out of the screen towards you. Which by the way was the original experiment. @stealthed when you look off in the distance at land you sometimes see some greenish blue in the tree line. and some browns, you see tree trunk color but not the actual tree trunks because of all the leaves. More variety of green tones could help, maybe even darker ones in the gully like areas. When I did my landscape I have in the galleria I used some dithers and stretched and pulled them around (using same method for distortion as in the dog above.) and then lowerd the transparency. I'm not sure if that's the look you are going for but I thought it gave me the real mottled feel of forests. EDIT Stealthed I hope it was trees and not just hilly grass. either way it really needs to be more dark tones less acidy green looking. ciao
  15. don't know which one you mean by Madjik I didn't follow anything but what was in my head. similar to how I did the cherries (see my pear tut near the bottom of page 2) basically its sphere 3d full sphere next layer same texture sphere 3d but use half sphere I didn't save the settings, but if you can't figure them out let me know I can most likely re do pretty close for you. put a little black blur on a separate transparent layer down the centre under the half sphere and over the layer of the full sphere. flatten I didn't save the exact settings I used (this is a mock up of the settings I did) hope that is what you want to know ciao OMA
  16. not childish at all. and by the way you used my favourite effect. I've no doubt at all that you are going to be one real contender on this forum for producing major art work. I'll be watching, I might not comment everytime I come by your gallery to look, but I will be watching. ciao OMA
  17. alpha masking. http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=2 don't forget you can also use the bulge outside the image just as I did in the pear above. ciao
  18. you illustrate books! OH! I'd love to do that. but I need to actually hand draw better I'm thinking. can't wait to read the rest of the story.
  19. wrong place to ask that. Could you put the same question in the General discussion area, and if you can provide an example. It helps keep things organized in the forum. That way everyone when they search will be able to find if they have a similar question. PS make sure you name the title descriptive ie: "how do you convert liquify and freeze? " I haven't really ever used photo shop but I'm sure there is a work around, depends on the picture you want to work on. Most likely it can be done. ciao OMA
  20. inspiration for this piece was a phrase I heard not long ago about "" in your face Saturday morning cartoons "" Helen I told you I was working on one ugly dog. He's actually so homely he's cute. Nab not sure what wavy you are talking about? draw me a quick arrow pointing to where you mean and I'll explain. ciao OMA
  21. thanks for the comments. I'm going to put this one on the back burner. I want to try some other techniques first then come back to it with a fresh perspective. Start from the beginning again and totally redo. for now here is one just to make you all giggle. OMA has the ugliest dog ever!
  22. thanks its a good exercise in looking at things. By looking I mean ignoring the entire image and just looking for shapes. Once you recognize the shapes its just the color, the texture, the direction of light etc. and you are more than half way there. Its that first step on understanding the basic shapes and how they relate one to the other that throws most of us . ciao
  23. umm like it but the words seem to read in reverse. you could use layer and flip might look a bit better.
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