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Everything posted by oma

  1. nice application of 3d shape. :wink: I actually thought that was how you had done it, but wanted you to let the others know. great work by the way. very lovely and convincing looking. ciao OMA
  2. actually madjiks pkg has gradiant blur. OMA
  3. actually madjiks pkg has gradiant blur. OMA
  4. you are welcome but please do not forget to change this title. it makes it next to impossible for us to use a search function. ciao
  5. you are welcome but please do not forget to change this title. it makes it next to impossible for us to use a search function. ciao
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    ha ha ha you mean my mean glass of "love potion #9" I updated the previous page. yes I put it real small. It is one lousy picture. I'll get it yet. There will be more work done on it tomorrow, the television will be taken over by the football watching crowd, and I will be regulated to the downstairs. (during game time I tend to be a real "pest" hubby and the son in law and grandson say...??? I really don't think so.)
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    ha ha ha you mean my mean glass of "love potion #9" I updated the previous page. yes I put it real small. It is one lousy picture. I'll get it yet. There will be more work done on it tomorrow, the television will be taken over by the football watching crowd, and I will be regulated to the downstairs. (during game time I tend to be a real "pest" hubby and the son in law and grandson say...??? I really don't think so.)
  8. yes David I've been watching this thread. Grandma's and Grandpa's are not exempt from reading the rules and abiding by them. Just the same as the young ones. In fact even more so as we are responsible for setting a good example. ciao
  9. yes David I've been watching this thread. Grandma's and Grandpa's are not exempt from reading the rules and abiding by them. Just the same as the young ones. In fact even more so as we are responsible for setting a good example. ciao
  10. rules: viewforum.php?f=20 From one grandmother to another age is not an excuse. You have been asked politely to change your title for ease of all others using the search function within this program. If you are unsure how to do so here is how. 1) go to your very first post in this thread. 2) the little x on the right hand side down near the bottom of your first post. 3) change the title. "A simple Request" is not an allowed title. change it. suggest: "Request for assistance adding dll's" OMA (german for grandmother)
  11. rules: viewforum.php?f=20 From one grandmother to another age is not an excuse. You have been asked politely to change your title for ease of all others using the search function within this program. If you are unsure how to do so here is how. 1) go to your very first post in this thread. 2) the little x on the right hand side down near the bottom of your first post. 3) change the title. "A simple Request" is not an allowed title. change it. suggest: "Request for assistance adding dll's" OMA (german for grandmother)
  12. Oh this one is special. love the vase and the flowers . some tips on the shaping of the vase for us all please. ciao OMA
  13. Oh this one is special. love the vase and the flowers . some tips on the shaping of the vase for us all please. ciao OMA
  14. do you not have a search button on your screen? that is how most of us find the plugins. :wink:
  15. I don''t know where your glass is, but mine is empty... could you just pour me one. cheers well well done! ciao OMA
  16. I don''t know where your glass is, but mine is empty... could you just pour me one. cheers well well done! ciao OMA
  17. he means the windows along the top line when paint.net is open. clik the reset windows :wink:
  18. he means the windows along the top line when paint.net is open. clik the reset windows :wink:
  19. I agree it is really good. Now you have some real good foundation skills from this tut and the ability to see how to apply them to other objects. a bit more practice and you'll be giving me a run for my money. O Boy I have to quit giving all you young whipper snappers all my tricks. You all will be outclassing me in Paint.Net soon. ciao OMA
  20. I agree it is really good. Now you have some real good foundation skills from this tut and the ability to see how to apply them to other objects. a bit more practice and you'll be giving me a run for my money. O Boy I have to quit giving all you young whipper snappers all my tricks. You all will be outclassing me in Paint.Net soon. ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes I've just done that step now. will do some more work on this and post it later. I'm not sure I've the shadow in the correct position checking the looks of different spots for the shadow. before I do the background and some distorts behind the glass, and within the shadow. . its not the greatest glass so far but I'm working on techniques. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes I've just done that step now. will do some more work on this and post it later. I'm not sure I've the shadow in the correct position checking the looks of different spots for the shadow. before I do the background and some distorts behind the glass, and within the shadow. . its not the greatest glass so far but I'm working on techniques. ciao OMA
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I missed you to Helen. yes thanks I did get your e mail, sorry I didn't reply right away, but I've not even had a chance to sit and study it so far. looks great though, and I'll be asking you some questions about it shortly. and yes I had a chance to look at your fairy, just a quick look, I'm feeling better this morning and will be looking thru most of the galleries again, probably won't leave any comments today,( I'll never see them all if I chat on each one ) anyways I must really be feeling better this morning I did a little picture just because I liked so much the wine glass I saw Goonfella working on. mine is still pretty ragged this is the first try. LOVE POTION #9 just playing around can't concentrate #3 above just when I get the top looking better the stem looks off. try try and try again. LOL!
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