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Everything posted by oma

  1. [quote="HELENI decided to spice things up a bit with my glossies. I hope you like it! great looking love the combination. ciao OMA
  2. [quote="HELENI decided to spice things up a bit with my glossies. I hope you like it! great looking love the combination. ciao OMA
  3. just dropping by! I actually look at your pictures over on DA when you post there. I just wanted to let you know everything is looking great. ciao OMA
  4. just dropping by! I actually look at your pictures over on DA when you post there. I just wanted to let you know everything is looking great. ciao OMA
  5. 8) that newest latest photo albumn one is just so 8) great work so far! keep it up. ciao OMA
  6. 8) that newest latest photo albumn one is just so 8) great work so far! keep it up. ciao OMA
  7. Hi welcome to the forum! nice neat new gallery. I love the little octopus one and the one sig you made for your brothers girlfriend. I'll be back to see what else you add. ciao have fun OMA
  8. Hi welcome to the forum! nice neat new gallery. I love the little octopus one and the one sig you made for your brothers girlfriend. I'll be back to see what else you add. ciao have fun OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks I was just by your gallery some nice additions you have there. I had quite the chuckle over the one where you got way off on making the ribbons. Oh I can not tell you how many times I get carried away playing. and that's exactly how I ended up with this candle stick..... its not even close to what I was going for. but what the heck at least I salvaged it. (wisper wisper i was actually working on the wine glasses. I didn't keep track of what I'd done but hope the little notes I just inserted above help you all to make something similar. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks I was just by your gallery some nice additions you have there. I had quite the chuckle over the one where you got way off on making the ribbons. Oh I can not tell you how many times I get carried away playing. and that's exactly how I ended up with this candle stick..... its not even close to what I was going for. but what the heck at least I salvaged it. (wisper wisper i was actually working on the wine glasses. I didn't keep track of what I'd done but hope the little notes I just inserted above help you all to make something similar. ciao OMA
  11. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks it was just a play item so I didn't write down any of it. or even save a pdn. I know I used different settings for the vase. can't remember but maybe we can use this as an exercise if deconstructing and image down to managable parts. as I said I can not recall what exactly I did but this might give you an few ideas and jump off points to do your own individual ones. (13182)
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks it was just a play item so I didn't write down any of it. or even save a pdn. I know I used different settings for the vase. can't remember but maybe we can use this as an exercise if deconstructing and image down to managable parts. as I said I can not recall what exactly I did but this might give you an few ideas and jump off points to do your own individual ones. (13182)
  13. madjik I seldom comment in this forum on sigs. but just had to say that is really really nice. love the multi color spheres ciao OMA
  14. madjik I seldom comment in this forum on sigs. but just had to say that is really really nice. love the multi color spheres ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes thanks feeling much better today, . Hubby not so well, he had operation earlier in week and then slipped on the ice and fell and cracked a rib coming home. So it was back to the hospital for xrays. Spent another day sitting in the emergency waiting room. I get the remote for the TV today! no football/sports on the telly at our house. He is zoonked out on pain meds. ciao
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes thanks feeling much better today, . Hubby not so well, he had operation earlier in week and then slipped on the ice and fell and cracked a rib coming home. So it was back to the hospital for xrays. Spent another day sitting in the emergency waiting room. I get the remote for the TV today! no football/sports on the telly at our house. He is zoonked out on pain meds. ciao
  17. yes agree it needs some drips and things. but it was just a little play piece.
  18. yes agree it needs some drips and things. but it was just a little play piece.
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just so you all can see once you get to my gallery. A Candle to Light Your Way
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just so you all can see once you get to my gallery. A Candle to Light Your Way
  21. wither I didn't notice you were back well welcome welcome. as you can see we all stepped it up a notch this year. I imagine you will be doing the same once you get back into the swing of things. here's a candle to light your way. PS I've expanded on yellowman's mini tut above. to get the candle stick.
  22. wither I didn't notice you were back well welcome welcome. as you can see we all stepped it up a notch this year. I imagine you will be doing the same once you get back into the swing of things. here's a candle to light your way. PS I've expanded on yellowman's mini tut above. to get the candle stick.
  23. very similar to how I did the "once upon a time" image within a book on the first page of my gallery. the difficulty will be figuring out the rotate if you want to use that book. I gave a little mini tut of a version of making a book on that first page of my gallery as well. that may give you an idea of what steps would be required. ciao good luck hope to view your finished project in your gallery.
  24. very similar to how I did the "once upon a time" image within a book on the first page of my gallery. the difficulty will be figuring out the rotate if you want to use that book. I gave a little mini tut of a version of making a book on that first page of my gallery as well. that may give you an idea of what steps would be required. ciao good luck hope to view your finished project in your gallery.
  25. nice application of 3d shape. :wink: I actually thought that was how you had done it, but wanted you to let the others know. great work by the way. very lovely and convincing looking. ciao OMA
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