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Everything posted by oma

  1. you will have to use several layers sorry not in one go like this photoshop tut. if you look page 5 of my gallery I did a mini tut on shading a nose. of course you will use different colors but you will be doing basically in the same method I used on that mini tut. ciao OMA
  2. Kairyuka I've added notes on a handle variation you might like check back at beginning of this thread it is in the second post by me.
  3. Hi nice sword Kairyuka...handle needs some roundness. I have to check the net and see what those swords actually look like. but I thought they were curved. will be back to address that handle. @Jayed your sword is really good as well. I agree with you about the double stick thing. but it was the easiest manner to get this type of tut down to a simplier level so many of the just above beginners could follow along and make something half way there. I left loads of room for the more experienced users to customize and individualize. The main reason for the tut is to get people to look at tuts and see possibilities on combining tuts .
  4. no anchor. depending on the shadow some of us use oblique plugin viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592 or you can use the plug in shadow. not drop shadow but this shadow viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2227&hilit=shadow when I stretch things use the middle nobs of the square around the item and pull out.
  5. In a good way! I like it when people add names to their work. Makes it special and much easier to comment on... I can just mention the pictures name instead of saying you know the 4th one down on the first page over on the left....etc etc etc. ciao
  6. my heart stopped. that border is just so beautiful. I love that color combination. love how you set up the opening of your gallery. really smart looking. ciao OMA
  7. Hi Christie welcome to our forum. I'll be watching from the sidelines to see how you progress. but I beleive you are off to an excellent start. Lovely lovely work so far. ciao OMA
  8. looking good! can't wait to see what you add. ciao OMA PS this version of wings I like better but I also like the other ones. Maybe you should keep those others handy in a wee file somewhere and use in another image.
  9. welcome to the forum. will be watching how you progress. What you have posted so is extremly nice to look at keep up the good work ciao OMA
  10. oma

    My Art Gallery

    OHHHHH pretty images. I love the colors in your swirls. sigs well I've never been one for sigs, but not bad at all. I beleive in the case of your sigs maybe a little less would give a bigger wallup for your buck. keep up the good work. ciao OMA
  11. Hey Janettsue I'm happy to see you back!. hope you are feeling a bit better now. sounds like it if you are up to doing some fine art pieces for us all to view. thinking of you.! ciao OMA
  12. love the new orb you did from that gimp tut. very very nice and shiny good outcome. actually I'm not sure if I;ve left a comment before on that second picture you have up there Queens greatest hits. lovely picture and professionally done. ciao OMA
  13. well you brought me in ...... that is so totally not what I was expecting from the title but I love it. A little wild and a little bit bad. great combo in a song greater combo in a wallpaper. although having said that. I wouldn't be able to use it as my wallpaper too long. would make me more jittery than 5 cups of coffee.
  14. not one of my better images. I was making something else and it wasn't going too well. when I looked at it again. I thought that looks like brocolli. needs lots of refinement but now the idea is germinating in the back of my brain.
  15. eat your veggies came up with this one when I got sidetracked doing another picture.
  16. very nice Boude good to see you getting back into the swing of things.
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you. I made a tut give it a whirl.
  18. thanks you but I can not take praise for the drops those were straight from plug in that is by Madjik. I can make these by hand from blank canvas but its easier to use the button plugin for plain buttons such as this. this picture is still in the thinking stage. will be much more involved, I was just testing out an idea, to see if anyone would recognize what I was aiming for. I'm not one for swords and weapons myself but I could see some of the young ones struggling to interpet the metal tut over to other applications. ciao OMA
  19. I might be l wrong but I think its where you set the gradiant should be :AllColorChannels: see where you have tools then you have selected your radial gradiant just to the right of that you've it set at transparent gradiant.
  20. yes that's what I was thinking. I've been reading a book called 3 dimensional maze art by Larry Evans..... the idea just seemed intriguing. This is an out of print book I picked up at the book auction. really neat stuff.
  21. Idea perking away in the back of the brain...... not sure where its heading. LOL!
  22. hello welcome to the forums this is a really nice start to your personal gallery. look forward to viewing how you progress using this program. Since we are really only allowed one gallery each I suggest you put your name in the title somewhere. If you come back to add to your gallery it may be difficult to find if the title is My designs. ciao will be watching you OMA
  23. some of us have done these. Myself I know I posted a bottle of wine in the realistic pictorium and I did some little glasses showing pg 24 of my gallery. Goonfella I know did an excellent bottle of wine that's on pg 16 of his personal gallery. There are others but can't recall them off the top of my head. have a look and see if that's what you are after. and let us know. ciao
  24. don't depend on my language for that note. It would be like the blind leading the blind, sometimes my English phrasing isn't much better. I was just having a good laugh at myself for not being able to figure it out.
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