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Everything posted by oma

  1. interesting but I'd really rather have dll not being a computor expert I've no idea what to do with the xml. (actually I do but that's what quite a few are going to be telling you, if you look at all the posts help! I can't install plugin x, or y or z) a pkg of dlls is great by me. similar to how madjik does it is the easiest to understand. although how Pyrochild does his with the common dll isn't too hard to understand either. just a few pennies worth from this old gal. ciao OMA :wink: EDIT; no I don't understand where they go afterall. and If I don't get it I'm sure there will be others. not going to download now even if they do look like great additions.
  2. I'm not sure which I like more. one min its the first one next that shiny just pulls me in. both are really nice looking. ciao OMA
  3. not sure I understand? you want that one spoke yellow? if that's what you mean. you need to copy that portion to another layer. ( see cutting out images the easy way) You would almost be doing the reverse of the pleasantville effect. Isolating the portion you wish to color on separate layer, depending on the tone of yellow you might be able to use conditional hue or colorbalance plugins. .
  4. look over on the side where he shows the layers. are you doing the water plug in on the layer with the clouds or the layer with the blue? it should be the layer with the clouds. the top layer in his picture is the one highlighted and that's the one to work on. not necessary to write it all out. the very nature of the way the water plugin works is to make a reflection semi transparent and you will alway require a layer of some opaque (in this case blue) in a layer below. a little tip when you are doing a tut keep an eye on the upper right corner of the tut post. sometimes you will run into older written tuts. They are still valid but there may be some newer versions of plugins and so some steps and settings might be different. its usually best if you run into a difficult spot in the tut to include a screen shot with your question. That way we can all see what's going on. saves everyone loads of grief, usually its just a little minor change you need to do. ciao hope that helps if not we really need to see a screen shot from you.
  5. oma


    I think I know what you're doing wrong. The water plugin has to be used on the background layer, not the one you just created. Am I right? exactly what I was thinking. but a screen shot of where she/he is in the tut would have helped from the very beginning. ciao OMA
  6. oma


    i would advise you to modify your post how you have written it is sounds extremely rude. Ash did not say this was a beginners tut. also keep in mind when this tut was made. many plugins have been added and modified since he has written this. (ASH wrote tut in 07 Madjik modified and improved the plugin in 2008) of course the screen shots will not be correct. a screen shot of exactly where you are going off on the tut goes a long way for us to help you out. It could just be a matter of you have one wrong setting or have the incorrect layer highlighted. or any number of other minor adjustments you need to make. a Screen shot helps us help you.. ciao OMA
  7. sorry Rick I forgot that rule. ooops very very sorry.
  8. kaleidoscope hasn't been one I've used too much in the past Madjik so I'm not sure I can give you a great comparison it automatically used paintbrush width for the pie lines. could throw a few people if that's not what they were expecting. I know this I could work around it by making sure brush width is set first. since you are working on the plugin at present I'll make a request for an additional feature. in the past I've made my kaldescope of my layer, added a transparent layer then used the color guide for cropping out the actual kaldeiscope piece . is there a way to make outside area transparent decreasing that step. if not its not a problem. I've a work around and I don't often have to do this.
  9. I know but when you are on an artistic roll so to speak having to take my hand off the mouse and actually pick out keys on the keyboard well lets just say its hunt and peck for the keystrokes required..... just out of curiosity what all would be involved making change like this. is it similar to having to rewrite tools etc? maybe around version 6 or 7 it could be considered ... not a rush just would be nice.
  10. I can wow I didn't know that. that will help. although the typing in numbers isn't as quick as clicking percentage arrow. it will work. thank you pyrochild. learn something new everyday. ciao OMA
  11. request if possible. Not sure if this is even possible Rick but is there anyway to add some different magnification sizes. between 100% and 200% even just a 150 % would help. ideally 125% 150% and 175% its hard to work in textures flipping back and forth between 100 and 200 to make sure you haven't lost the look because of the pixelation. Its probably not possible but you never know if you don't ask. ciao OMA .
  12. welcome to the fourm. this has been asked quite often so someone no doubt will log on and advise you get used to using the search function of the forum. its the search button upper right. as its your first post I'll give you a link. the search term I used was circular text. Ash explains it with pictures in this one. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23138
  13. Tim actually those changes (#2 above) sound like what I was hoping for. I just didn't know how to word it. Not being a programmer the reasoning and wording is what gets most of us end users when asking for improvements.
  14. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I didn't try it but would oblique plug in work for the curve? I think you would need to do the letter engraving before curving the blade. ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    updated Daffy on pg 32
  16. that turned out real nice. I see you managed to do that shading after all. a real good addition to your gallery. ciao OMA
  17. no blood ucky goo blahhhhhh! you post the nice shiny one here if you want to put blood on it after that it goes in your own gallery.
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Hidden Content: @Gamer_World14 thanks, LOL! I saw the minor debate he's a she. LOL! Hidden Content: @ Goonfella LOL! Hidden Content: @Boude yes you are correct. but I've not finished yet. My cut flower in the vase on my desk just looks the same hacked off at the bottom. We still have 3 feet of snow over my garden, so it will be awhile before my daffy's come up. All the images I google don't show clearly the bottom of the flowers. Most only show the head portion. I do plan to go to the conservatory today in hopes the spring flowering show has daffodils. Failing a good look at one actually in growing stage I'll have to order a book thru the library. Hidden Content: @Welshblue such a patriotic lad! do you see varicose? did you laugh until you dropped? Hidden Content: thanks Janettsue hope it made you smile. Hidden Content: @ thanks Helen .... LOL! maybe it would be a good time to show them all the first attempt? that was so sad looking. I originally looked for a tut on drawing daffodils and didn't find anything even remotely decent. so decided to attempt to draw one on my own. Hidden Content: @Crimson see the one on my DA blue sky and here is your field of dreams Hidden Content: @Kemaru not a bad idea but did you know that the sap from daffodils in a vase usually make other flowers droop . They would have to be in separate vases. LOL! Hidden Content: @Crimson ...yes its not done yet. see comments I made to boude above Hidden Content: @Storm.Shadow angle off not sure what you mean? the trunpet of the daffodil usually points downward from shear weight. Hidden Content: @yellowman you are correct not even near finished with this piece yet. It was for my spring garden picture. The shadows are still not quite correct. I was waiting more until I had several more different type of flowers to really work on those. Just needed them to show the pre stage with some depth. Good call on the stigma and stamen, I've been reworking them....the original is what the horrible piece of brocolli came from. thanks all I guess its actually turned out better than I thought at this stage. ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "Daffy" 15714 15906
  20. would you mind changing the title of your thread to "how do I reset color wheel" that way the next person coming along with the same problem can find the answer. just open your first post and click the edit button down on the bottom of your post. then type in proper title. ciao
  21. very nice job there Helen. That certainly does look like a Kincaid.
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Oma, make a picture of a thinking cap. :wink: I'm too busy wearing my winter cap... its minus 40 degrees with the windchill tonight. brrrrrrrrrrrr. actually I'm trying to draw something tonight and its not working out too well. thanks looking at it now I can see some things I'd probably do differently. But that was one of those late night projects when I couldn't sleep and just went with what ever I came up with. ciao OMA
  23. don't hyjack the thread with nonsense. nice sword you did there Aethec I like your version of the handle very much. I told you I left lots of room for your own touches and I'm glad you went ahead and changed to suit your own taste.
  24. you are welcome. it is not really a tut but just a quick explination for someone else on how I had done something on one of my art pieces. I'll be looking forward to viewing in your gallery your finished piece of art using this method. another example is in the pear tut. the second part shows also some steps in blur painting. It is very much a work around I know several people use here on the forum for shading. ciao OMA
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