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Everything posted by zvaragabor

  1. I can't find the circle text plugin i the download pack. Please help me.
  2. Thanks a lot. Although the sine curves download link doesn't work. Where can I get it then?
  3. Thanks. :wink: And how can I make a similar waveform like on the site I linked with Pdn?
  4. Hello. Are there any tut on how to make a sound wave something like this? http://www.bluesfear.com/tutorials/soundwave.htm Or any help how to do a similar one with Pdn. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  5. Why should you use Blender? Use Paint.NET with MKT's Shape 3D plugin! Great job MKT!
  6. Some of my banner that I made for topics at a forum: moviebanner: pdn banner:) udinese banner:
  7. Good idea, thanks! fixed:http://www.zvaragabor_pdn.extra.hu/egyeb_kepek/jupiter2.jpg
  8. Of course, you can. It is free for home users, for companies, for everybody.
  9. Click on "Deselect" under the Layer menu.
  10. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell that set the transparency to 0 in the colors(more>>) window in my method.
  11. Here's a picture of mine. I don't know what is it excatly. It started as a sig. Maybe an exploding supernova with rings. (I didn't use the exploding planet tut, It's just the result of playing with filters.)
  12. Yes, but that's a "press a button" too, but okay, I don't wanna argue with you. So you are right Rick and Helio, it's just a button, my finger won't rot down if I press it. Close this topic if you'd like to.
  13. Hello! I'd like to know that is it possible to make that the Layer Properties window appears immediately after I add a new layer ( when I click on the "Add New Layer" both in the Layers window and in the Layers menu)? Probably a lot of people won't like this feature, but It is easier to: -. create a new layer (the Properties window appears automatically, so you don't have to click on anything) -. rename the layer and/or set the blending mode and/or set the Opacity value -. then hit OK than: -. create a new layer -. click on the layer properties button -. rename the layer and/or set the blending mode and/or set the Opacity value -. then hit OK I know the current method is only one step longer to do, but a lot of tutorial says that: create a new layer, then click on the Layer Properties button and rename the layer and/or set the blending mode and/or set the Opacity value... And there are people who like renaming each layer they have. So it would be easier to ignore the "Click on the Layer Properties" step, when you create a new layer. Of course you can set it again as you like later.
  14. Hi! Én is megköszönöm, hogy használtad az ötleteimet. Nagyon cool lett a magyarosírás!
  15. Hali! Elismerésem Don, profi munka, nagyon jó lett a magyarítás! Volna egy kérdésem. A végleges 3.0-hoz lesz külön magyarítás, vagy az RC1-es marad hozzá? És néhány ötlet egy-két magyarított szóhoz, bár inkább csak személyes vélemény. Én a "Képpont"-ot "Pixel"-re írnám, szerintem ezt a szót lényegesen többen használják még Mo.-on is, mint a "képpontot". Aztán a "Szerkesztés" > "Beillesztés új Rétegre", ott a rétegre szó miért nagybetűvel kezdődik? A kifejezésekben a legelső betűt kivéve minden kisbetűvel van. Akkor ez tényleg csak az én véleményem, de a "Színfelvevő" pofásabban hangzana, ha "Pipetta" lenne a neve, mert ugyanis ez a becsületes neve ennek az eszköznek. Ugyan így a "Kitöltés színnel" lehetne például "Festékesvödör". De az utóbbi 2 ötlet tényleg csak az én véleményem. További jó munkát, csak így tovább! Üdv
  16. I don't know. I tend not to plan too far ahead. It keeps the stress nice and low. I see.But it would be nice to hear in the news about PDN vs PS huh?:D
  17. Rick: Do you plan to develop Paint.NET to a more professional software like photoshop?
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