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Posts posted by Hellfire010

  1. I'm not totally sure what the issue is. I've made some silly mistakes that may be relevant so, check to make sure these things are set properly:

    1. Primary color is not fully (or mostly) transparent.

    2. The layer you're writing to is not set to transparent OR set to invisible (unchecked) in the layers panel.

    3. The region you're writing on that layer is not covered by an image on a layer above it.

    4. You don't have a different region selected, cause then your text would only show up where you have it selected, and not at all if you're not writing in that selection.

  2. Just so you guys know, a plugin's been released that let's you make animations within PDN, without a third-party app.

    you can find it here:http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=28407

    I haven't been to this forum in a long time, but I'm probably gonna be around here more often. I knew about the new plugin, so I decided to check out if this thread was still pinned, out of curiosity. I didn't expect it to still be pinned AND have 29 pages! lol

    But, the idea of animating frame by frame still applies so I'll leave it as it is. I may edit it at some point to include animating with the plugin, though.

  3. The easiest way to turn a CodeLab script into a full project is to build it into a DLL using CodeLab. On that screen, click the check box that says "view source". On the source screen, select all and copy that to a .cs file.

    Already did that ^_^

    Just realized my school's free software section has VS 5 and 8, but I'm downloading 10 from DreamSpark now. Works for me. :o

    There's a VS template here

    Thanks for that. I'll look into it when I have time... Unfortunately, I have a Calc II exam tomorrow so I need to get studying a bit. All in due time, though.

    But hey, no more copy/pasta from notepad++ :D


    Just sayin, after Java being my language of choice for quite a while, I read up on C# a bit today, and I think C# is starting to be my new choice... we shall see. O_o

  4. Still appreciated though!

    VS isn't free... sadface

    Hmm... would it be possible to tell WHEN the Render function is on the last row. Like, if rect.Bottom is equal to the bottom of the selection? Then, from there, set table back to null? *goes to try*

  5. So... after much fiddling, I finally got it to work right.

    Not exactly optimized, but it works for now (cept changing settings in the UI doesn't update it right... trying to figure out why).

    #region UICode
    int Amount1 = 30;	//[0,255] Rule Number
    bool Amount2 = true; // [0,1] Wrap
    bool Amount3 = false; // [0,1] Randomize
    private static bool[] ruleTable = new bool[8];
    private static bool[,] table;
    private static void generateTable(int width, int height, bool rand, bool wrap)
    table = new bool[width,height];
    //Randomize a first row
    	Random random = new Random();
    	for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    		if(random.Next(6) == 1)
    			table[x,0] = true;
    			table[x,0] = false;
    //Creates first row with just a center pixel
    	table[width/2,0] = true;
    for(int y = 1; y < height; y++)
    	for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    		bool left = false, middle = false, right = false;
    		//Determines the "neighborhood" from previous row
    		if( (x != 0 && table[x-1,y-1]) || (wrap && x == 0 && table[width-1,y-1]) )
    			left = true;
    			middle = true;
    		if( (x != width-1 && table[x+1,y-1]) || (wrap && x == width-1 && table[0,y-1]) )
    			right = true;
    		//Use rule to determine the current pixel from the neighborhood
    		//In comments: 'B' represents true, 'W' represents false ... (black/white)
    		table[x,y] = false;
    		if(left) //B--
    			if(middle) //BB-
    				if(right) //BBB
    						table[x,y] = true;
    				else //BBW
    						table[x,y] = true;
    			else //BW-
    				if(right) //BWB
    						table[x,y] = true;
    				else //BWW
    						table[x,y] = true;
    		else //W--
    			if(middle) //WB-
    				if(right) //WBB
    						table[x,y] = true;
    				else //WBW
    						table[x,y] = true;
    			else //WW-
    				if(right) //WWB
    						table[x,y] = true;
    				else //WWW
    						table[x,y] = true;
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
    ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
    //Determine rule ruleTable by converting Amount1 [0-255] to an array of bools (binary representation)
    int rule = Amount1;
    for(int place = 7; place >= 0; place--)
    	if(rule >= Math.Pow(2, place))
    		rule -= (int)Math.Pow(2, place);
    		ruleTable[7-place] = true;
    if(table == null)
    	generateTable(src.Width, src.Height, Amount3, Amount2);
    ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
    	for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
    		CurrentPixel = new ColorBgra();
    		//Set new pixel
    			CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    			CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    			CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    			CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    			CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    			CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    			CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    			CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    		dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

  6. Ignore this post. I got the code to work (see later in thread). Feel free to critique, of course.

    lol :roll: it is rather... err... iffy >_>


    or, more specifically,


    Basing this off of a Java program I wrote for a class last year.


    An example of "rule 30"


    Mostly, rule multiples of 15 produce interesting fractals. I have a lot of weird and interesting ideas to do with this once I get it working.

    It was like 1:00 am and it's my first attempt, I'm trying to figure out how these pluginamajiggies work x_x

    ...Oh, and is a bool or an array of bools in C# automatically set to false when created? Wasn't sure on that.

    But... this is my updated code. Something isn't working right. I think it's something to do with the ROI thing. So yeah, help appreciated. Oh, commented it a bit for you Rick, in case you're interested in this awful mess. :P

    Some pictures (random turned off)

    This is what it's suppose to look like, and on occasion, it will render this way. In fact, every time it runs at these settings it should look exactly like this.


    But, I often get results like these:





    (Code outdated - updated (and working) version in later reply)

    #region UICode
    int Amount1 = 30;	//[0,255]Rule Number
    bool Amount2 = true; // [0,1] Wrap
    bool Amount3 = false; // [0,1] Randomize
    private static bool[] table = new bool[8];
    private static bool[] prevRow, currentRow;
    private static int mostRecentRowCalculated = -1;
    private static void calcRow(int row, int width, bool rand, bool wrap)
    if(mostRecentRowCalculated == -1)
    	//Randomize a first row
    		currentRow = new bool[width];
    		Random random = new Random();
    		for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    			if(random.Next(6) == 1)
    				currentRow[x] = true;
    				currentRow[x] = false;
    	//Creates first row with just a center pixel
    		currentRow = new bool[width];
    		currentRow[width/2] = true;
    while(mostRecentRowCalculated < row)
    	prevRow = currentRow;
    	currentRow = new bool[width];
    	for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    		//Again, idk if this is necessary in C#
    		bool left = false, middle = false, right = false;
    		//Determines the "neighborhood" from previous row
    		if( (x != 0 && prevRow[x-1]) || (wrap && x == 0 && prevRow[width-1]) )
    			left = true;
    			middle = true;
    		if( (x != width-1 && prevRow[x+1]) || (wrap && x == width-1 && prevRow[0]) )
    			right = true;
    		//Use rule to determine the current pixel from the neighborhood
    		//In comments: 'B' represents true, 'W' represents false ... (black/white)
    		currentRow[x] = false;
    		if(left) //B--
    			if(middle) //BB-
    				if(right) //BBB
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    				else //BBW
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    			else //BW-
    				if(right) //BWB
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    				else //BWW
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    		else //W--
    			if(middle) //WB-
    				if(right) //WBB
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    				else //WBW
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    			else //WW-
    				if(right) //WWB
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    				else //WWW
    						currentRow[x] = true;
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
    ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
    //Idk if this is necessary in C#. I know it's not in Java, but just in case I put it in for now...
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    	table[i] = false;
    //Determine rule table by converting Amount1 [0-255] to an array of bools (binary representation)
    int rule = Amount1;
    for(int place = 7; place >= 0; place--)
    	if(rule >= Math.Pow(2, place))
    		rule -= (int)Math.Pow(2, place);
    		table[7-place] = true;
    ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
    	calcRow(y, src.Width, Amount3, Amount2);
    	for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
    		CurrentPixel = new ColorBgra();
    		//Set new pixel
    			CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    			CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    			CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    			CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    			CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    			CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    			CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    			CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    		dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

  7. Ignore this post. I got the code to work (see later in thread). Feel free to critique, of course.

    I've never written a plugin before, so I thought I'd start with something simple... a cellular automaton... <_< I figured it might be useful for making textures or something.

    After writing this code, I finally got no errors to come up. I'm not really familiar with C# that much, so it took me like 15 minutes to figure out that Math.pow should be Math.Pow (I'm mostly use to java and actionscript). Anywho, when I run this code in codelab nothing happens, and I can't really seem to figure out why. Any help appreciated! :)

    Also, I know it's not optimized AT ALL (lol), I was just trying to get it to actually work first.

    Behold... my first of many crappy attempts at a plugin:

    (Code outdated - updated (and working) version in later reply)

    #region UICode
    int Amount1=30;	//[0,255]Rule Number
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
       ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
       bool[] table = new bool[8];
       for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
           table[i] = false;
       //rule [0-255]
       int rule = Amount1;
       for(int place = 7; place >= 0; place--)
           if(rule >= Math.Pow(2, place))
               rule -= (int)Math.Pow(2, place);
               table[7-place] = true;
       ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
       //Randomize first row
       Random random = new Random();
       for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
    	CurrentPixel = src[x,rect.Top];
    	if (random.Next(2) == 1)
    	    CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
               	    CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
               	    CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
               	    CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    	    CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
             	    CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
              	    CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
              	    CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    	dst[x,rect.Top] = CurrentPixel;
       for (int y = rect.Top+1; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
           for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
    		CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
    		bool left = false, middle = false, right = false;
    		if(x != 0 && dst[x-1,y-1] == PrimaryColor)
    			left = true;
    		if(dst[x,y-1] == PrimaryColor)
    			middle = true;
    		if(x != rect.Right && dst[x+1,y-1] == PrimaryColor)
    			right = true;
    		if(left) //B--
    			if(middle) //BB-
    				if(right) //BBB
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    				else //BBW
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    			else //BW-
    				if(right) //BWB
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    				else //BWW
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    		else //W--
    			if(middle) //WB-
    				if(right) //WBB
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    				else //WBW
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    			else //WW-
    				if(right) //WWB
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    				else //WWW
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
    						CurrentPixel.R = (byte)SecondaryColor.R;
    						CurrentPixel.G = (byte)SecondaryColor.G;
    						CurrentPixel.B = (byte)SecondaryColor.B;
    						CurrentPixel.A = (byte)SecondaryColor.A;
    		dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

  8. PLUGIN INDEX? omg, so THAT'S what I've been missing! *checks it out*

    ...just spent like 2 hours going through all of the plugins and updating my personal collection of plugins... which is outdated by like... x years >_> WOOT xD

  9. Hey guys... been a while. :P

    Um, so I was checking out one tutorial on fire cause I needa make fire for somethin... and it says I need an "Average Blur" plugin. The link was broken, so I did a forum search. I found many other broken links, but have yet to find the actual plugin. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks. :)

  10. internetbp3.gif

    This started with the "IMHO..." frame, I just felt like turning it into to an animated .GIF and here it is.

    Got motivated after downloading Unfreez.

    Lol i like this xD

    I like it too. Very creative. =O

    Only thing I'd suggest is making it slightly slower - but not too much slower. =)

  11. topezia, it looks like you got the hang of it for the most part. It just seems like there is a stray frame in there that doesn't belong (the flicker). As for the shadow, I'm not sure what's causing that. It seems to be one of the settings with Shape3D, so just try playing around with that a bit. It seems you might be rotating it with the layer menu, instead try rotating it with varying settings in the Shape3D effect.

    Also, for the animation to truly look like motion you may want to add a few more frames. How many degrees apart was each frame? I usually use 15 degrees for images that size.

    铃铛520, please stop spamming.

  12. Calm down, please.

    I don't believe he's "hyped up."

    If I understand correctly, this can be achieved.

    If layer a is on layer b, you can change the blending mode of a to something and leave b as normal. Alternatively, you could move b over a and change the blending mode of b and leave a as normal. Depending on the blending mode, both will achieve the same or different results. However, there doesn't seem to be a realistic reason for doing this when all you have to do is switch the layers - being such, I may not be understanding you properly.

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