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Everything posted by entY8

  1. somewhen i wanted to but i'm too lazy and occupied with other stuff atm... :?
  2. stretch which pixels in which direction?isn't sepcot's last code snippet doing what you want? how about giving some manually created before- and after-images, so people get what you are looking for :wink: What I simply want is for the code to take the last non-transparent pixel in each row and scretch it to the left or to the right! well, sepcot's routine is doing that (apart of a few exceptions). in which way is it working wrong for you?
  3. stretch which pixels in which direction?isn't sepcot's last code snippet doing what you want? how about giving some manually created before- and after-images, so people get what you are looking for :wink:
  4. try this one and modify start to you liking: const int start = 0; void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { if (x < start) { dst[x, y] = src[x, y]; } else { dst[x, y] = src[start, y]; } } } } (boy is my c# bad :?) edit: 2 posts in between :? however... you mean, you want a not-straight starting line for your pixel stretch? edit2: sepcots one below looks nice :wink:
  5. yeh, neither me :? but i can understand him if he hates me :wink:
  6. what shall be in the background instead? transparency? in case of transparency use the magic wand selection tool and click on the white area. if now all the white you want to remove is selected press the delete key on you keyboard. if not adjust the tolerance to your liking by clicking on the bar at the very bottom of the toolbar window.
  7. hm... that doesn't matter to me, but i'd be glad if i could help out there by doing the german translation (maybe of the documentation too) :wink:
  8. I'd also love to have a look at the early version 3. May I, please?
  9. Only by careful moving, i'm afraid (I recommend selecting the whole layer and then watching the values for the selected area in the bottom left corner to hit the right pixel while moving the selection carefully)
  10. i think people should look at the status bar, even in the bottom right corner :wink:
  11. Hm... the color jobs can easily be done using the conditional hue/saturation plugin, even without destroying any shadings. (that is, if i understood it correctly and you want to _change_ colors; otherwise if you want to put colors to a black and white picture, you'd probably put another layer on top, set to "multiplicative" and put the colors on that one (if it's this what you meant, tell me so i can explain that method a little more :wink:) And about the wings and guns: you'll have to carefully cut off the wings from the first one, then select the wings of the second one and copy-paste them onto the other one, best on a new layer on top. Then you might want to adjust the positions of the wingsand the distance in between, selecting only on wing at a time and moving it around on the layer. Guns work similar, just you won't have to cut anything away from the first one first :wink: Selecting the wings should be quite easy since they're no real photo or sth., but cartoon style; the magic wand tool will work great here
  12. Hm... something to make it symmetrical drawings easier to do would be great! I don't think it needs the realtime stuff (though that'd be cool ofc), but just a few more commands in the menus to make it easier. For example it is quite annoying to click yourself all the way to "flip layer horizontally", and then again to "flip layer vertically", since they don't have any keyboard shortcuts :? Also a few command allowing you to rotate a picture 180° around a point you can choose, or flipping it around a line you can choose. Probably just a few more ideas for your could-be-implemented list :wink:
  13. I assume the location of his sig (http://www.lithiumstudios.org) has javascript that changes the image displayed. nah, he got subfolder called "userbars.gif" containing an index.php outputting random userbars.edit@the post below: lol
  14. Yes, I agree to some extent, byt VB is not as protable, as it is conected to mircosoft. Also, I'm not that found of it as it leads to poor programming habits :? oh well, one more post in this discussion.Get rid of those prejudices about the languages and their origin. Basic was one of the first languages supporting "GoTo" and some people, as fear-of-the-new reaction, said it would lead to unreadable spaghetti code. Today nearly every language supports "GoTo" and no one complains. Until version 6 VB had the default setting "variables don't have to be explicitly declared before use". This of cause, causes very bad programming style at newcomers, since there is no motivation of thinking about datatypes. Every newer version of VB got rid on this default setting, though this option still exists somewhere, dug deep inside the options. (you didn't mention this one, but anyway) Some people say/said VB isn't OOP. Until version 6 it didn't eve support inheritance at all, but from the next ones on (.NET based), it is fully functional like any other .NET programming languages (besides some minor compiler efficiency differences). And yes, VB is strongly linked to MS atm. But who cares? MS really does some excellent software and I don't know what's wrong with those guys (besides the windows xp security gaps). And since we're just talking about which probably is best to start with, it doesn't really matter anyway. When you're programming the whole day, the switching from one language to another is done in a day or two without problems. (*resigns from this eternal discussion*)
  15. oh no... not another forum with a "which programming language is the best to start with?" discussion thread... :? My short tip: Visual Basic is one of the most beginner friendly programming languages with quite intuitive syntax. (I still use it a lot myself, though you're forced often to use a certain language)
  16. No, magic lasso is a tool in [banned word] which PdN doesn't support yet.
  17. I did. But I haven't got VS 2005, just VS 2003. And I don't plan on installing VS 2005, so i have to look at the source code files in a text editor. But I couldn't figure out which were the important parts and which files were just plainly generated.
  18. Sorry for bumping too much, I thought 3 days would be enough space... (if wouldn't bump at all this topic wouldn't be replied to at all and it'd be forgot in a day...)The problem is (as it seems to me), that only the programmers and those few of the people who already made some plugins know how this stuff works, but they don't notice. I'm just asking for some rough outline what makes up an effect dll. It can't (or shouldn't) be too complicated. PLEASE
  19. That's easy :wink: Make a new layer, put the "superimposed" image on it, move it, scale it as you want, then select the area you want, press Ctrl+I, release Ctrl+I (^^), then press the [Delete] key.
  20. lol, you saved it as jpg. jpg doesn't support transparency at all *rofl*
  21. Enclose the line with the critical code (the addition that might overflow) in a try-catch. I only know vb syntax by heart atm, but you'll find it in the help.(ehm... is help included in express edition? )
  22. I'm making a map for a computer game, in which the mini/overhead map isn't generated by the map editor. So you have to paint one yourself. So I made one with PdN (just background is made in Genetica and the "grass" part was originally from Genetica too, but I did many effects on it)My newest crime deed: Completely made in PdN, using some of the tutorials and playing around with effects...
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