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KrisVDM last won the day on September 20 2023

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About KrisVDM

  • Birthday 07/15/1969

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  1. At first sight, it seems that the crash occurred after the effects were installed. Can you check? Kris.
  2. That would indeed prevent the update check, indefinitely. I'd like to understand why people would want to do that? Wouldn't you want to be notified of an update? For example, I just released version 5.0.3. In this version, the Drop Shadow effect is a lot faster than in the previous version. And I'm not talking about a few percentages. Depending on hardware, image characteristics and parameter values, it can be more than twice as fast as the previous version. Sometimes updates contain bugfixes too. Wouldn't you want to know? Obviously, I understand that you don't want to update during your current work session, but nothing requires you to do that. You'd still want to know that a new version is available, would you not? Just trying to understand.
  3. This might happen if you have two copies of Paint.NET installed, for example because you had it installed using a download from the website, and then later installed through the Microsoft Store as well. If that is the case, I suggest you remove the old copy, and keep only the most recent one.
  4. Sorry about that. The website has indeed been down for a few days. I moved it to a different server, and it should be back up really soon now.
  5. They do. When 5.0 is out of beta and officially released, I'll release an updated version optimized for paint.net 5.0.
  6. The Fade Edge effect fades the edges of the image (the current layer to be precise), not the region that was selected. If you have a selection, all that does is select the portion of the image where the effect is applied, it doesn't change the effect itself. One way to solve this might be that you copy your selection into a new image and apply the effect there, and then copy the result back. Of course, the downside of that would be that you don't see the actual result until you copy the processed image back. I do see the point of what you're trying to do here, and I'll think about a solution. It's not trivial though. Remember that the selection can have any shape you want, not just rectangular, which can make this quite complex in the general case.
  7. I just released version 4.3.3. Drop Shadow has been completely rewritten for this release. It is again a lot faster than previous versions. Some other effects have minor performance improvements as well. Enjoy!
  8. I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like the installer did what it is supposed to do, but somehow Paint.NET doesn't load the new DLLs. I have no idea why that might be the case. Was Paint.NET running while you ran the installer? If it was, can you please try again while Paint.NET is not running? Does that help? In Paint.NET's settings window, do you see any plugin errors? If so, which ones?
  9. What do you mean "it won't install" ? Do you get some kind of error message? If so, which one?
  10. Hi All, I just released version 4.3 of my effects. Download here: https://www.vandermotten.be/paintdotnet. Let me know what you think. Kris.
  11. FYI: Unfortunately, this plugin doesn't seem to work for .RC2 files produced by a Canon G11 camera.
  12. Found another issue: I used an image of size 1920x1080. I wanted to select a rectangle from the upper left corner, of size 1600x900. So I used the Rectangle Select tool, set it to Fixed Ratio of Width 16 by Height 9. (I know I could have set it to Fixed Size, but that is not the point). I then clicked somewhere left and above the upper left corner, and dragged the mouse to cursor position 1600, 900 as indicated in the status bar. The selected rectangle was 1597x900, instead of the expected 1600x900. Note that my screen is 1920x1080, and I was working in Zoom to Window mode (81%). The status bar:
  13. Of course, they have to be. It's drawing all pixels within a given distance of your object. Imagine a regular octagon. You want the widening (or outline) to be at the same distance everywhere, right? The same for horizontal lines, vertical lines and lines under a 45° angle? Well, that logic gives you a circle around each pixel, and that results in rounded corners.
  14. You know, I've been thinking. She didn't need any plugin at all*, because her base image, the one she wants a shadow for, is a clean rectangle, with no transparency. All she needs to do is use three layers. Bottom one is background, top one is her image. In the middle one, draw a black rectangle and blur it. Done. *In fact, a plugin that would be handy to have is my object align plugin, to center the image and black rectangle.
  15. In the interest of improving my effect for future versions: do I understand that the problem here is that you'd want (need) the set the blur radius to something between 75 and 100? Also, if you want the shadow to be darker, one way to get that is to use widening with bluring. As long as widening radius is less than blur radius, you will not get "unblurred" full opacity pixels in your shadow. You can think of the widening happening before the blur. And you can think of the widening as being (more or less) the same as an object outline. But of course, the blur only blurs the shadow, not the original image. The "keep original image" checkbox is present, precisely to allow this kind of scenario. But if you turn it off, the effect becomes significantly slower. If I understand your needs correctly (i.e. a blur radius of 100 pixels), I'm thinking you'd get your result faster with such a blur range in my effect and "keep original image" on, than having to do these multiple steps with duplicating the layer and separate blur. If that's true, I could increase the ranges in the next version.
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