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About Vítor

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Já enviei o ficheiro ao developer e, tal como ele disse em cima, deve demorar uma semana a estar disponível. No entanto sou capaz de disponibilizá-lo aqui via o link referido pelo poster, mas mais tarde, já que não o tenho neste pc.
  2. No site dizem k demora 10 minutos a disponibilizar o download... De qualquer forma amanha tento novamente, ja estou a ficar pissed off com isto... :evil: Cheers
  3. Que trenguice... 2ª tentativa: (never mind)
  4. ???? ok... isto nao deve tar a funcionar bem... deixame tentar outra vez dame um segundo...
  5. Hmm Trickman vê-me aí sff se a coisa funciona e depois dis-me algo: (eskeçam)
  6. Hello, I finished the european portuguese translation of Paint.net v2.6 (interface + help files) But i need some help in how to upload the ZIP file in the forum to make available to other users. Sorry for the lack of knowledge... never had to upload anything in a forum berore... :oops: Thanks. Cheers.
  7. E eu interessado em divulga-la Mas vou precisar de umas dicas, de quem puder ajudar, tenho o ZIP pronto, mas nao sei como disponibiliza-lo... falta de experiência em foruns suponho... :? Reparei que outros utilizadores o disponibilizam através de um link nos posts, mas como é que crio um? Obrigado
  8. Hello, I'm finally finished! Sorry for not posting any news for a long (long, long) time :? I'll be honest with you, i used the localization of this software as a project for my final paper in my university. And it went brilliantly... i hope That's the main reason for not asking for your help, sorry, but i had to do this on my own. But let me thank all of those who showed interest in helping me :wink: But maybe you can help me with something. I need to know exactly what are the final steps to making the european portuguese version available. Because I have also translated the help files. How do i make them available? Do i send them in a zip file along with the strings file to the localization manager? Anyway, if you can help, thanks in advance. Cheers.
  9. Hello, i have begun the european portuguese localization of Paint.net 2.6. I'll have it finished in between 1 to 2 months. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
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