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About huyaowen

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. U r welcome, i love paint.net. i wish the paint.net can support muti-windows to edit.thanks.
  2. hi,according to my test,i found how to fix it .follow me pls: As shown in the windows installer cleanup utility list ,the first and the second item is "(all user)no name" ,this is matched the paint.net. I have installed (twice)paint.net 2.5 and 2.6,so there are two items in the windows installer cleanup utility list. as for these items is "noname" , the reason is you delete their informations in REGEDIT.so windows installer cleanup utility cannt find this name:"paint.net". how to fix: select "(all user)no name" and click "Remove" to delete all this noname items. then rerun the Paint.net setup. good luck.
  3. Be anxious for this build, thanks for the explain. Paint.net is wonderful.
  4. install the PDN in D:\important softwares\paint.net
  5. why does the paint.net define "expired time"? how to do if i want to always use this version. ?
  6. SO boring.i try all the steps what these posts said.but it doesnt work on my computer.as follow: once upon a time,i update install paint.net2.5 but it doesnt work ,i try to delete the informations in regedit,ha!,it works! so.... 2 days ago , i try my best to install the Paint.NET 2.6.but the same error messages occured ,then i research and delete all informations about 2.5 in regedit,rerun the paint.net 2.6 Setup,still this error messages appeared. then now ,i try to run the windows installer cleanup utility.but i cannt find any item about paint.net in the list. so i am stuck. any help would be greatly appreciated,thanks a lot. i am a chinese ,so some words in below picture are displayed as chinese:
  7. SO boring.i try all the steps what these posts said.but it doesnt work on my computer.as follow: once upon a time,i update install paint.net2.5 but it doesnt work ,i try to delete the informations in regedit,ha!,it works! so.... 2 days ago , i try my best to install the Paint.NET 2.6.but the same error messages occured ,then i research and delete all informations about 2.5 in regedit,rerun the paint.net 2.6 Setup,still this error messages appeared. then now ,i try to run the windows installer cleanup utility.but i cannt find any item about paint.net in the list. so i am stuck. any help would be greatly appreciated,thanks a lot.
  8. thanks anyway. but i still dont know how to figure this problem out . pls tell me directly?
  9. i download the paint.net 2.6 full version,but when i setup it ,the dialog appeared. sos help me pls.
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