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Posts posted by Swankyfrank

  1. Some pdn.files in Windows folder view have white bands across the picture. One layer and multilayered with just transparent background visible. Just looks odd and more than likely my system.

    Windows 7 Home Premium



    64 Bit

    Intel i5

    Stock graphics

    Desktop performance for Windows Areo

    Subscore 5.2





  2. NOTE: This is a feature-complete beta. There will be NO new features added between now and the final release. Please DO NOT ask for any new features in this thread. The only thing that matters now is stability. And fixing typos.

    The PayPal Screen at the end of installation, support future runstogether.

    Is there an average donation that is posted? I haven't donated since the WSU recommendation.

  3. 'Blurs' is just a sub-menu, a grouping for effects, and should not have an icon. All the effects within the 'Blurs' sub-menu (i.e. Gaussian Blur, Median, etc.) should have icons.
    They do.
    'Blurs' is just a sub-menu, a grouping for effects, and should not have an icon.
    I'm happy with the program.
  4. i have to make a map for class, and i want a signature compass rose from all my friends at PaintDotNet =)

    i guess if you like, you could come up with one, if you have nothing else to do =D

    Not quite as fancy as all the work I see here! Just some lines and circles. Rose was on a Franklin Survey Co. book of maps, not dated



  5. @Rick

    I'm not sure I understand how logging on to this forum would make the built-in Paint.NET updater function. The two are completely separate ...

    Message box that I was getting said something about name resolver (sp?), sorry I don't have a screenshot. Joined, loged in, ran the updater now there is no problem.

    Very nice program, love the tuts, hope to see more of it.


  6. @Tassadarmaster

    Had similar problem after a reinstall.

    ...Quote from your site

    >January 13, 2006

    >Sorry for the downtime, I had to delete everything again since the >mysql database was corrupted, I installed a another forum under the >same database, which caused the corruption. Hopefully this issue won't >ever be happening again in the future. I will be setting everything >hopefully all by today

    Got Paintnet thru redirect from http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/download.html

    only way I could update was to register as a user then run the updater logged in to this site (http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/index.php).



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