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About pn_user

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Don't believe this works in Paint.NET. IrfanView supports multipage TIFFs (I use them all the time). So, you could have IrfanView extract the individual pages for use in Paint.NET.
  2. When saving a file, it would be nice to have more options. Both the TIF and PNG formats support a wide range of color depths and grayscale. For each of these, it would be nice to have options when saving files for different color depths and gray scale. Many pictures and images I work on are intended for the web, and thus size can be a significant factor. The fact that Paint.NET saves everything in 24 bit (except GIF which is 8 bit by default and TGA for which you allow options of 24 bit and 32 bit) doesn't make it useful for some images. For these same images, it would be nice to be able to reduce the color depth, or adjust to grayscale, within the program too, so that one can see the resulting image before saving. My current work around is to use IrfanView (an image viewer, but not an editor), as this free program works great with just about any image format and supports different color depths and coverting between formats. If you could marriage some of the format capabilities of IrfanView with Paint.NET, I think you'd expand the programs applicability significantly.
  3. Using: 2.6 Beta 2 PC: Dell Laptop Windows 2000 SP5 I've found some very unique instances underwhich I cannot change the zoom level using the pull down selection list of 1% to 3200%. The first example happens with a black and white (1 bit color) tiff image with Group 4 Fax Encoding. The image is 5100 x 3300 pixels and 61.15 kB in size. If I adjust the zoom level to anything greater than 600% (meaning 700% to 3200%), I cannot use the zoom level pull down selection again ... if I do, it just stays at that level. For example, with this image, if I zoom into a level of 800%, and then try to select another zoom level with the pull down, I cannot get it to change from 800%. If I hit the + and - buttons next to the pull down list, it will change. But, what's interesting is that for ANY of the zoom levels from 700% to 3200%, when I high the - zoom button, the level changes to 600%, and hitting the + zoom button, the level changes to 642%. Now, I have another image for which I have a different zoom issue. This is a 256 color (8 bit) PNG image that is 51x80 pixels with a file size of 3.75 kB. For this image, if I select a zoom level of 66, 50, 33 or 25%, I cannot change the zoom level using the pull down list. For levels less than 25% and greater than 66%, the pull down list works fine. Again, here are some detailed notes that may help debug. At each of these settings that I cannot change, here is what happens when I click the + and - zoom buttons: 66% + button changes to 100% 66% - button changes to 49% 50% + button changes to 65% 50% - button changes to 31% 33% + button changes to 49% 33% - button changes to 24% 25% + button changes to 31% 25% - button changes to 16% As I've noted, these are specific to the images I've been testing. If you would like the actual images to test for yourself, PM me.
  4. Using: 2.6 Beta 2 PC: Dell Laptop with Windows 2000 with SP5 The default settings for Windows PCs is to have the display set to Small Fonts (96 dpi). With higher resolution screen becoming more common, I find myself using the Large Fonts (120 dpi) setting to help with readability. However, many applications do not anticipate this, and as a result sometimes these programs become unusable as you can't see all the text or the windows do not scale properly. With Small Fonts, Paint.NET works fine ... no problems. With Large Fonts, Paint.NET does not become unusable, but there are several areas that are affected, a partial list of those are: Install Wizard: Parts of the text is hidden under the top banner. Tools Window: Title bar changes from 'Tools' to just 'T...' The word 'Tolerance' is cropped as it tries to fit into the tolerance bar Popup windows for Layers -> Adjustments and Effects. The most notable are under Effects. One of the best examples is the red eye reduction pop up window, a portion of the text for the 'Hint' is lost and the word 'Reset' does not fit on the buttons. I'm sure they may be others, these are just those that I noticed quickly.
  5. I just tried downloading v2.5 and v2.6b1. I first tried to install 2.5 and received the errors above. I then installed .NET v2.0 and then Paint.NET v2.6b1, and again errors the same as above. My machine is running Win 2k, with SP5 (the last roll out). I have installed Installer 3.1 v2 to be able to install .NET. I am not able to install the application. I'll be curious as to the feedback to the above post.
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