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Everything posted by Illnab1024

  1. Unless you are experienced with the feeling of that analog knob. (As were they all back in the day)
  2. Yeah, pretty much. (Not technically, but meh.)
  3. Yeah, just leave some space around the background so the item can pop out over that space.
  4. I mean the material in the 3D model. (or are you skinning? If so, use the edit portion of my advice...)
  5. The best way to achieve the effect is with material settings; reflectivity, specular settings, etc. If you're looking for high-res, I suggest adding a bit of noise and doing brightness/contrast, and for any hemming you might have, you're likely going to have to draw a good bit of it yourself. EDIT: If you can't do lighting settings, then draw some highlights n a new layer, blur the layer, and maybe lower the layer opacity a bit. Mess around, see what you can get.
  6. I know that, but that doesn't mean there can't be a glitch when the program sees the older version in the metadata...
  7. Rick: It sounds like the layer thumbnails aren't being rendered right in prev. version PdNs? mark: Try making a mark in the layer with the pencil tool. Does the thumbnail update? How does it look?
  8. Look, I'm not a hardware guy. Please, forgive me. I knew it wasn't a schematic when I said it, but the picture looked sooooo distorted, I couldn't tell if it was a picture or what it was a picture of.
  9. Here, just to put things in proportion: Paint.NET, Photoshop, and Porn compared on Google Trends.
  10. He's changing from a schematic to a Serpinski triangle. Interesting.
  11. I saw the 20 and blocked everything else out. Sorry Yeah, all you need to do is download the Full 3.0 installer. That will take care of everything!
  12. Okay, Paint.NET 3.0 only supports WinXP or later... (So you might want to find 2.72--We can't help ya with bugs, though...) You will also need to get .NET 2.0 from Microsoft.com. Jut run a search on it
  13. You can just type the HEX code in yourself... Or, if you prefer, learn to convert it yourself.
  14. 1) It may have been banned by domain, or some other pattern (i.e. a spammer used something near your email and it was banned) 2) Just download the full version (of Paint.NET). If you don't know what you have, you generally won't have it.
  15. I think/hope he was joking, just glancing over all the shiny vista screens.
  16. Something I just made, With no idea what to make, I made another logo. Click for MUCH larger version (4098x1000) Oh, and, just in case you think it's good ( ), I wish that you only use the phrase "See what you can create" in the context with my permission. Thanks.
  17. You mean the kinda border where you make a selection, press ctrl+x, ctrl+shift+n, ctrl+v, greyscale the bottom layer, duplicate the top, move new layer down, ctrl+shift+c to Brightness: -100, Contrast: -100, gaussian blur 2px and call it done?
  18. How about buying an infrared camera? (A good one should go for about 5-10k I think )
  19. Nice natjo; DragonPyro: I like some of those sigs; but it's mainly just the generic distortion effects... Rainshadow: A good image to apply that effect to. Turned out pretty.
  20. Oval selection & Crop to Selection should work. Also, the selection has to be a box. That's simply how anything works; some just don't show it.
  21. Hmm.... A prototype for codelab, right here (Really, dirty and hacky) int Amount1=120; //Base Hue green=120, blue=240, reds aren't supported very well int Amount2=50; //Hue Tolerance int Amount3=16; //Value tolerance const double HSV_UNDEFINED = -999.0; void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { float BaseHue = Amount1; float HueTol = Amount2; float VTol = (float)Amount3; double H = 0, S = 0, V = 0; VTol /= 100f; for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { ColorBgra col = src[x, y]; EvanRGBtoHSV(col.R, col.G, col.B, ref H, ref S, ref V); if (V > VTol) { if (H > (BaseHue-HueTol+3)&&H > (BaseHue+HueTol-3)||H < (BaseHue-HueTol+3)&&H < (BaseHue-HueTol-3)) col.A=255; else col.A = 0; } dst[x, y] = col; } } } public void EvanRGBtoHSV(int R, int G, int B, ref double outH, ref double outS, ref double outV) { // R, G, and B must range from 0 to 255 // Ouput value ranges: // outH - 0.0 to 360.0 // outS - 0.0 to 1.0 // outV - 0.0 to 1.0 double dR = (double)R/255.0; double dG = (double)G/255.0; double dB = (double)B/255.0; double dmaxRGB = EvanMax3(dR, dG, dB); double dminRGB = EvanMin3(dR, dG, dB); double delta = dmaxRGB - dminRGB; // Set value outV = dmaxRGB; // Handle special case if (dmaxRGB == 0) { outH = HSV_UNDEFINED; outS = 0.0; return; } outS = delta/dmaxRGB; if (dmaxRGB == dminRGB) { outH = HSV_UNDEFINED; return; } // Finally, compute hue if (dR == dmaxRGB) { outH = (dG-dB)/delta*60.0; } else if (dG == dmaxRGB) { outH = (2.0+(dB-dR)/delta)*60.0; } else //if (dB == dmaxRGB) { outH = (4.0+(dR-dG)/delta)*60.0; } if (outH < 0) { outH += 360.0; } } public double EvanMax3(double x, double y, double z) { return (x>y)?((x>z)?x:z)(y>z)?y:z); } public double EvanMin3(double x, double y, double z) { return (x(y} Last 3 functions were made by EvanOlds, best to attribute him. Okay, here's an example for the wine glass. I took the white background to blue because white is the most difficult color to mask out. Now, Amount1 = 240, for blue. Amount2 = 40, for good hue range. Amount3 = 56, to catch some of the edges. After: The blue is still visible, but it's a prototype.
  22. Kaiser: History is saved to the hard disk. In no way does it eat your memory, except probably when figuring out what to write.
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