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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Rick, see this post for an issue: I believe this could be addressed by a change to the Indirect UI frame. Could you add a button, near the OK and Cancel button that when held down would remove the selection outline? This way, the user could see if their changes would be acceptable or need further tweeking. Thanks.
  2. CDR files are vector files, not bitmap files. This will not be easy. You could probably just buy a copy of CorelDraw. Older versions can be had for <$30.
  3. True story. We all wanted more smilies than we had before. So, pyrochild loaded up ~2500 of them. Turns out, "too much of a good thing" really is a bad thing. Pulling up the entire list took several minutes even on a fast connection. pyro is paring down the list to a more managable level.
  4. pyrochild and Rick are working on the smilie situation. I imagine it will work better tomorrow.
  5. I've noticed that most new users have trouble in these three areas: Clone Stamp Tool - Did you know, you can clone from one layer to another? How about adjusting the opacity of the primary color to adjust the clone brush? BTW, it works differently if Anti-Aliasing is enabled or not. Most newbies need help setting the start location of the source before starting. Also, they need some guidance as to what should be cloned and what should be done another way. -- Oh, and the Recolor tool is less understood than the clone stamp tool! Layers - We need more description on the whole layering system. This is one of the biggest hurdles to new users. We need illustrations on how this works. (This would include better descriptions of blend modes and what they're used for.) Here is a nice page describing layers in Photoshop. We need something like that. We also need a way for people familiar with MS Paint's "Image > Draw Opaque" mode (for pasting images with transparent backgrounds) to understand how to do the same thing with Paint.NET using layers. Did you know, the Layers Menu help page doesn't even have a screenshot of the layers window? And, the biggest one... Installing Plugins - We need a good page explaining how to install plugins. The page should lead the user by the hand with screenshots at every step. It should cover various operating systems. It should anticipate problems and give correcting steps. It should have a FAQ section where they can get answers as to why the plugins don't show up. Include the various plugin load errors and what they mean. You can start with the one I wrote: http://sites.google.com/site/boltbait/install to get some ideas. Also, you can read this thread to get ideas for the Install Plugin FAQ section.
  6. The pages could be more verbose with more examples--geared more toward beginners. Maybe some animated images showing how to use the Clone Stamp tool? <-- that sort of thing!
  7. What you're lookin for is a great plugin by Simon Brown called Brushes Mini: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15218-
  8. No necro posting. Start a new thread.
  9. It might be a good time to redownload all of your effect plugins. My plugin pack has made significant changes since PdN 3.36.
  10. Brilliant! Guys, the piece is conceptual. Deal with it. Will you be correcting Picaso's work next? I love the fact that the shadow of the apple on the tree is red. Nice move!
  11. Object Feather 3.0 Released! Download Go download it here: BoltBait's Plugin Pack What's Different? So, what is different between the new version of Object Feather described in this article and the previous ones? Well, let’s start with the fact that I have written 4 different versions of “feather.” The first one, called Object Feather, used a blur to make the hard edges of cutouts blurred slightly in order to simulate an anti-alias effect. While it was nice for its time, it does produce less than perfect results. Plus, it was a nightmare to maintain as it was 335 lines of code. The second, called Object Feather – True Feather, made the hard edges of cutouts slightly transparent. This was just a modification of the previous feather effect. It was better and well liked by the users of Paint.NET. Both of these methods required the object to be feathered be surrounded by completely transparent pixels. This wasn’t a problem for most cutouts. The problem of these first two (which were contained within the same effect dll) was the fact that it didn’t work well at all for cutouts that were already feathered. To address that, I wrote: The third feather effect, called Selection Feather, makes the hard edges of your current selection slightly transparent. This is how most other professional programs (like Corel PhotoPaint, for example) feather stuff. This is by far the most accurate of my plugins and it was only 50 lines of code. The only trouble with this one is that you need to have selected the object you want to feather. Feathering was then applied following the “marching ants” of your current selection. The effect applied was very similar to the True Feather option. This is how things sat for a long time. People used all three of these effects depending on the need of their current situation. While I liked the third feather effect, I was never really happy with my first and second effects. I had been thinking of a solution for that for a long time. Then, recently I wrote… The fourth feather effect, called Object Feather 3.0, is the replacement for my first two feather effects. It basically uses the best of both the first and second techniques blended together. It uses a small blur to expand the objects like feather 1 and then applies the true blur algorithm like feather 2. I think that the results are far superior to Object Feather or True Feather. It also works on objects that are already feathered. And, another nice thing about this effect is that it is only about 20 lines of code so it is much easier to understand and maintain. True Feather? Now that I have officially replace Object Feather and True Feather with Object Feather 3.0, I’m sure that some will complain that True Feather doesn’t exist any more. Those people that still want a True Feather can use my Selection Feather effect instead. The only difference is that they will need to actually select what is to be feathered before running the effect. Other than that, it is the same. Source Code For the first time, I have decided to publish the source code. You will need CodeLab to build it into a plugin. // Title: BoltBait's Feather Object v3.0 // Author: BoltBait // Submenu: Object // Name: Feather // URL: http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn #region UICode int Amount1 = 2; // [1,10] Feather Radius #endregion unsafe void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect(); PropertyCollection bProps = blurEffect.CreatePropertyCollection(); PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken bParameters = new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(bProps); bParameters.SetPropertyValue(GaussianBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Radius, Amount1); blurEffect.SetRenderInfo(bParameters, new RenderArgs(dst), new RenderArgs(src)); blurEffect.Render(new Rectangle[1] {rect},0,1); for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { ColorBgra* srcPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel = *srcPtr; ColorBgra DestPixel = *dstPtr; if (CurrentPixel.A != 0) { CurrentPixel.A = DestPixel.A; *dstPtr = CurrentPixel; } srcPtr++; dstPtr++; } } }
  12. Just press F7. This will toggle the visibility of the layers window.
  13. What do you think the upper limit of feather radius should be? Huh? Oh! you mean "true feather"! First, if you don't like the limits of the radius, I've published the source code, so you can change it. Second, if you're talking about True Feather, you should read this post very carefully: That should explain everything. But, let me know if you still have questions.
  14. In celebration of the opening of the new forums at forums.getpaint.net, I have released an update to my plugin pack. (See first post for the zip file containing all of the plugins.) Updates in this pack: - Selection > Outline now has an anti-alias option. - Object > Feather has a new algorithm which is much better than the old one. - Other smaller updates and bug fixes.
  15. Before using the text tool, press the Escape key on your keyboard. You probably have an active selection that is preventing the text from showing up. Also, it is always best to put your text on its own layer.
  16. There might be a problem with the printing plugin that needs to be addressed. Post specifics in that thread so that the plugin author can help you.
  17. Try printing using this plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=27968
  18. OK, so your forum looks just like this one... except there's no content. "Nothing new to see here. Move along."
  19. What are you doing when the program crashes? What is Genie-Soft - Genie Timeline? I wonder if this software is inteferring with Paint.NET. Can you disable it and try again?
  20. In these cases, it is usually best to simply buy the picture. You see, people put watermarks on pictures to keep you from using them without permission. So, your best bet is to contact the owner of the picture and work out a deal with them.
  21. Well, you should not have any sub folders inside of your Effects folder. Move any DLL files from those sub folders directly under the Effects folder itself.
  22. At this point, did you unzip the file you downloaded? In the next step, you need to drag the DLL file into the Effects folder.
  23. Like this? viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26525
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