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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. When I want realistic clouds, I do a GIS for 'clouds', then copy-and-paste them into my creation.
  2. MadJik, I see the issue and I have sent you a fixed version to test. (However, please note that the Paint.NET controls only go to 2 decimal places. So, 0.01 will work and 0.001 will not.) Let me know if it works for you and I'll make an official release.
  3. Or, you could just install Service Pack 3 to your XP.
  4. Amy2daysBATH, If you are looking to blur only the edges of objects (as the title of your thread implies), perhaps you should try one of my feather plugins. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2140- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514- Both can be downloaded as part of my plugin pack here: BoltBait's Plugin Pack
  5. If you're just making a simple UI, you might want to try creating your effect with CodeLab. With CodeLab, you just write the render loop and let CodeLab worry about the UI code. Start here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/help/overview.html Examples here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/help/uielements.html
  6. Here is a photochop I did today: Original on left, my edit on right. Or, is it the other way around? (It is a picture of a friend of mine.)
  7. Stop shouting. Locked. - Try asking your question again. This time, use your 'indoor' voice.
  8. You may need to install some plugins. There are TONS of plugins designed to add features to Paint.NET. You could start by installing my plugin pack, which you can download here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318-
  9. csm725, if your response was more complete, I wouldn't have had to post a follow up.
  10. Are you sure that you actually changed the file type to PNG? Maybe you left it at PDN. This option is below the filename in the "save as" dialog box.
  11. Try the built-in effect "Adjustments > Hue/Saturation" and adjust the Saturation slider. Or, this http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17810- plugin Or, this http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16736- plugin
  12. Quoted for truth. That BoltBait guy is a genius. Check this out: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/16736-
  13. I would like a more descriptive thread title. I wonder which of us will get their wish sooner.
  14. I just updated the script above with an example of 3 types of font smoothing (anti-alias, cleartype, and none).
  15. Sounds like an issue with your laptop's mouse driver. Paint.NET is working fine.
  16. This could just be a misbehaved plugin. Did you know, if a plugin WRITES to the SRC surface, undo won't work?
  17. If you use the menu item "File > New" the default canvas size is set to whatever size the graphic is that is currently on your clipboard.
  18. Looks like a problem with their software, not ours. You should post your issue on their support board. Closed.
  19. Nope, no blur at all. It is all calculated manually. Which is probably why it looks so bad...
  20. I just had a new idea for a tweek to the selection feather algorithm... Checking it out now... EDIT: NewSelFeatherBeta.zip eeew! Don't download this. Um... doesn't look that great. Nevermind.
  21. Here's what I see... Click image to see full size: (Zoomed in 300% to show detail.) I think that True Feather needed an Effect Strength slider because the algorithm was not good. The Selection > Feather algorithm is much better as you can see in the above example. You're showing an example of Feather Selection at radius 10. It was never meant to be used that high. The best results are in the 1-3 range. It has been a long road for me to get these effects as accurate as they are now. I have tinkered with them for years. I believe that the latest updates that I have published are the best yet... when used correctly.
  22. Interesting. I believe this could be addressed by a change to the IndirectUI that our effects are written using. Here is my suggestion to Rick:
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