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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Paint.NET is the best. QAPC! (Question Answered, Post Closed)
  2. Please give an example image and what you are having trouble with. Are you trying to make something like this?
  3. First, you'll need to learn how to write plugins for Paint.NET: Basically, you'll need to download CodeLab from here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ You can install plugins according to these instructions: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php Then, you should learn how to write plugins by reading the tutorials starting here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial.asp Then, you'll need to find the source code to the Photoshop plugin. Once you have that, you'll need to study it so that you completely understand the algorithm so that you can translate that plugin into C# for Paint.NET. This is probably no easy task as the Photoshop plugins are not written the same way as Paint.NET's plugins. That's not to say it will be impossible, I'm just saying that you have a long road ahead of you. Once you get going, if you have trouble, post your code here and someone might be able to help you. Good luck!
  4. There's nothing specific that I can find. But, this plugin may be a starting place: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=16610
  5. Interesting: http://geekswithblogs.net/Shadowin/archive/2009/05/21/32-bit-bitmap.aspx
  6. It used to be included in the official download. Rick changed it to be online to reduce download size. When you include all of the languages, the help file was getting too large. There are no current plans to make it available for download. However, there are several tools you can use to grab the web pages and save them local.
  7. I have a better idea: Photoshop should copy the Paint.NET interface. That would make their program MUCH easier to use. Go over to their forum and suggest it. See how far you get.
  8. Basically, you'll need to download CodeLab from here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ You can install plugins according to these instructions: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php Then, you should learn how to write plugins by reading the tutorials starting here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial.php
  9. If you've just drawn a line that you don't like, try pressing Ctrl-Z to "undo" the line.
  10. taoyue, is there any way to make the psd file's text layers work with the editable text plugin by Simon Brown: ?
  11. You may be looking for this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=1292
  12. "Flatten selected layers" button is not likely to happen any time soon as there is no way to select multiple layers. This would open a whole can of worms that Rick doesn't want to open until he figures out all of the correct behaviors. For example, what happens when you run an effect with multiple layers selected? Now, I like the select object tool idea. It could work like the magic wand but only look at the alpha channel with the limitation that it could not select a totally transparent pixel.
  13. Thanks, that reminds me that I need to publish an update. I'm not sure. Is a reference needed to make them work? If so, I could add it. Just let me know.
  14. 1) Try the zoom tool. That'll enlarge your view of the image and make it easier to hit the right spots with the paint bucket tool.
  15. When working in Paint.NET, always (and I really mean ALWAYS) save a copy of your work in .PDN format. THEN, if desired, export your work in another format.
  16. Nope. Sorry. However, we do have quite a collection of plugins available right here on the forums. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/7-plugins-publishing-only/
  17. No, these will not work. However, we do have our own set of really cool plugins here.
  18. Here's how it works: 1) Click clone stamp tool 2) Change the size of your brush (look in the tool bar at the top.) Try size 9 at least until you get the hang of it. You should now see a circle around your mouse. 3) Move your mouse to your drawing where you wish to copy FROM. 4) Press the CTRL key on your keyboard. No, don't let it go, hold it down. Yes, that's right! You should now see a little picture of a boat anchor. That's a good thing. 5) With CTRL held down, click the mouse button--just once! OK, you're half way there. You can let go of the CTRL key now. 6) Move your mouse to where you wish to copy TO. You should notice that the original circle stayed where you anchored it. 7) Press and hold the mouse button and move your mouse around. That's it! You've got it! You should now be "drawing" with pixels from the anchored area. As you draw, you'll notice that the anchor spot matches your movements. When you want to re-anchor, just go back to step 3. That's about it! Note: If you find that the cloned pixels are too "harsh", you can soften how much is being copied by adjusting the alpha value of the primary color in the color docker window. Another note: You can copy pixels from one layer to another just by selecting the "from" layer before step 3 and selecting the "to" layer before step 7. There! Now, you know more about the clone tool than 50% of the people around this board.
  19. Damn, dude! You're crazy good. I'm going to have to promote more of your stuff to the Galleria. Now... if I could only get you to answer my last email.
  20. What you need to do is download a program called Inkscape. It is free and can handle Adobe Illustrator files. Or, you can try this: http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2008/02/24/opening-adobe-illustrator-ai-files-when-you-don-t-have-adobe-illustrator.aspx I don't know if it works, but it looks interesting.
  21. That is a pretty broad question. Perhaps you could give us an example image that you don't like and someone here can help you correct it.
  22. Have you tried the Object > Outline plugin? There are two. One in pyrochild's plugin pack and one in BoltBait's plugin pack.
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