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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. OK, try this plugin that I wrote a long time ago but never published: <snip> (Yes, I know it needs some work.)
  2. How to install Paint.NET plugins. Hope this helps.
  3. Ed Harvey has a White Balance plugin in his pack: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18811-
  4. In the future, it would be handy if you were to take the pictures with a solid background. For example, drape a white sheet behind whatever you are taking a picture of. That way, a simple magic wand operation would be a snap.
  5. You might also try changing the brush technique from Normal Blending :BlendingEnabled: to Overwrite :BlendingOverwrite: .
  6. The function keys F5-F8 toggle the various window's visibility.
  7. Paint.NET does not come with any fonts. Paint.NET simply uses the fonts that are already installed in your system. So, if you want to change the fonts that Paint.NET displays, you'll need to select Fonts in your Windows Control Panel and adjust from there.
  8. Just highlight the affected area and run the Effects > Noise > Median effect. Let us know if that does the trick.
  9. Then, why didn't you send him a private message? There are more positive ways of getting attention. You come in here and break our forum rules then get upset when we point out your error? Sorry, but I think you're the rude one here. Listen, I'm glad you got your work done for you at another forum. Please understand, that's not what this forum is for. This forum is for the support of Paint.NET. We (the members) are glad to help you install the program/plugins and get them working, teach you how to use it, allow you to display your work, and give advice on your projects. This forum is NOT a support forum for computer problems, programming problems (except as they directly relate to Paint.NET plugins), or a place to advertise/beg for others to do your work for you (paid or otherwise). This is very clearly explained in the forum's rules: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/2932- We have those rules for a reason--we want this to be a very organized, helpful, and professional site. In fact, most people around here are very helpful. If someone is short with you, it is probably due to the fact that the mods deal with TONS of spam here on a daily basis. It's not personal--(How coult it be? We don't even know you.) I'll be happy to delete your closed posts but I'll leave your account open. If you have additional questions or comments, feel free to ask.
  10. Old Feather is EXACTLY the same algorithm as Feather v2.3 so you only need one of those. If you still have the original release of Feather v2.3 on your system you should probably delete it. I had to make some very minor (but important) changes to make it work properly going forward (PdN 4.0). Feather.dll is Object Feather v3.5 OldFeather.dll is Feather v2.3 (Otherwise known as "True Feather") Any other dll you have with "feather" in the name can probably be removed. SelectionTools.dll is Selection > Feather, Outline, Blur Edge, and Bevel.
  11. If you can select the thing you want softened, you can use a plugin I added to my pack yesterday. Look under Selection > Blur Selection Edge.
  12. If you're having trouble with pyrochild's Smudge plugin, please post on the smudge plugin thread. This forum is only for Paint.NET issues. Closed
  13. Major update to the plugin pack today. Rick has let us plugin authors know that Paint.NET 4.0 will be much more restrictive on what we can use inside of Paint.NET when writing plugins. Many of my plugins would not run under such a restrictive system. In preparation of 4.0*, I have rewritten all of my plugins removing anything that would not be allowed.** I have asked Rick to block all of my old plugins in the next release of Paint.NET. This will force everyone who wants to continue using my plugins to download a new copy. You can be ahead of the curve by downloading now! Not only will you be ready when 4.0 ships, but you can enjoy some new features today. New Features "New features?" you say... yup. I added a strength slider to the Bevel Selection plugin. That should save you some time. I also added a few plugins that I've been using myself but never officially published. True Feather is back! Back by popular demand, True Feather. You begged, I relented. Download See the first post in this thread for the download link and the details of what is included. Enjoy. *(which, according to Rick, is still a long way away.) **The main thing I lost was localization. I had been pulling localized text from inside Paint.NET for my own UI. If you run Paint.NET in English you won't miss a thing.
  14. I'm thinking that maybe your pictures are higher resolution now. Try resizing your pictures to 800x600 or so before running the effect.
  15. I have not seen that exact effect done with paint.net. I think the closest we have is the bevel selection plugin. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514- Hope this helps.
  16. Paint.NET does not use GDI+ to render fonts. I believe it uses GDI instead. Rick has recommended http://freetype.sourceforge.net/index2.html in the past. You may want to check that out.
  17. Security wise, this is a horrible idea. You might wait for Paint.NET 4.0 as Rick will be revamping the entire effect system including the install procedure.
  18. Look for a plugin called Grim Color Reaper. Or, you could place an all green layer below your icon, invert the colors of your black and white icon, and change the layer property to multiply. Or, if you are feeling adventurous, you could try this CodeLab script: #region UICode byte Amount1 = 0; // [1] Delete|White|Black #endregion private UnaryPixelOps.Desaturate desaturateOp = new UnaryPixelOps.Desaturate(); void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { CurrentPixel = desaturateOp.Apply(src[x,y]); switch(Amount1) { case 0: // White chosen CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(255-CurrentPixel.R); CurrentPixel.R = 0; CurrentPixel.G = 0; CurrentPixel.B = 0; break; case 1: // Black chosen CurrentPixel.A = CurrentPixel.R; CurrentPixel.R = 255; CurrentPixel.G = 255; CurrentPixel.B = 255; break; } dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } }
  19. Here: http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html This is the official download site. The download link is located in the upper right corner of the screen on that page.
  20. Actually, they removed the crapware wrapper on Rick's request. But, I would stay away from Download.com.
  21. Since I'm the current maintainer of CodeLab and fairly active on the forum, you could have just come to be with your requests and suggestions. BTW, adding a hack like you did will make CodeLab incompatible with Paint.NET 4.0. This would be a horrible idea. My goal in maintaining CodeLab is to make it more likely to work in Paint.NET 4.0 so there is a smooth transition to the new architecture for the plugin developers.
  22. Welcome to the forum. You should add some screenshots to your first post so that people know what to expect when downloading your plugin.
  23. Welcome to the forum. Please read the forum rules specifically rule #6. In order to help you we will need more information about what you want to do. Otherwise, the advice we give will be something like "Use Adjustments > Hue / Saturation adjustment".
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