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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Then you might also like the Fixed Size selection feature in the toolbar when the Rectangle Select tool is active. (This screenshot shows Fixed Ratio but you get the idea)
  2. I recommend using the Rectangle Select tool along with Crop to Selection (Ctrl+Shift+X). I very often use this to do one-edge-at-a-time cropping, precisely as you seem to be wanting.
  3. This is a Paint.NET troubleshooting forum, not a "please identify this font" forum Thread Closed
  4. Paint.NET doesn't support guidelines. PSD support is handled by a plugin; it is not built-in functionality.
  5. Like you said, it's a change. Apparently in your case, the hot track and highlight colors are the same. That is all. On Win7/Vista it looks quite a bit nicer.
  6. I think I have a fix for Win7/Vista. It will take a bit of testing to make sure I haven't broken something else in the process. However, it may not be possible to fix this for XP. This is the same behavior that has existed forever, mind you.
  7. I was unable to reproduce this -- it worked just fine on this Win7 x64 system. The type of system you use to run /createMsi does not matter, as far as I know. (I've never received any other reports of this nature.)
  8. This is not a for-hire forum, pay or otherwise. It's pretty rude to just jump in and ask everyone to do stuff for you. Thread Closed
  9. Then that's not an image. Open it with Windows Live Mail.
  10. What? I just told you that information is, by design, not available to the plugin. Asking for a static method instead of an abusable type cast is completely isomorphic. You're going about things the wrong way. FileTypes are supposed to open whole files, not import slices of them. They are not supposed to show UI, except via the Save Configuration dialog. You should write a tool to dump the contents of a WAD, and then have the user just edit the individual images via normal means, then have a tool to recompile everything into a new WAD. What you're trying to do is effectively treat a file as a directory, and then you're popping up a second "pick a file" dialog. That is absolutely the wrong approach.
  11. Your code is not allowed to know what underlying Stream is being used. Imagine your code expects a FileStream and casts to that, and accesses those properties. Then imagine I change my implementation to send you a MemoryStream or some other type of serialization stream because I'm embedding your data into something else. Your plugin would crash. Not a smart thing to do. The reason you're given a Stream is because you're supposed to write data to it, nothing else. Like Simon said, just register different extensions instead of using 1 uber FileType implementation.
  12. Uhhhh ... who asked you? This has already been discussed before. Go search for it instead of being condescending. Thread Closed
  13. Simon is correct. The two methods you listed above are intended for "internal" use only.
  14. Umm ... why don't you just install the latest version of Paint.NET :? :?:
  15. Please, no more threads asking this same question over and over and over again. Search engine ... use it. Thread Closed
  16. That's not a bug*. The "X" is a bitmap, and not written to follow theme colors. * well, depends on how you define a bug anyway
  17. Paint.NET always shows a GUI when installing with /auto. That's by design, and it's no surprise you're running into problems when trying to run it in a session that prohibits UI. Maybe you want to use MSI-based deployment instead. There are instructions for that in the online help as well.
  18. Maybe if you gave me a description of what you were doing that resulted in this crash, then that would help. The crash log by itself is a smoking gun, but unfortunately not a complete story, and alas I am not psychic*. * yet...
  19. I am unable to reproduce this. (Win7 x64, PDN 3.5.2)
  20. It's in the toolbar ... just change Pixels to Inches.
  21. If you have code which doesn't have access to the property (outside of your Effect class), then just pass it a delegate which it can poll. void OnSetRenderInfo(...) { ... for (y = ...) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; HelperClass.ComputeSomethingExpensiveOmg(y, ..., () => IsCancelRequested); } } ... class HelperClass { bool ComputeSomethingExpensiveOmg(int y, ..., Func cancelPollFn) { ... if (cancelPollFn()) return false; ... return true; } } This is what Auto-Levels does, for instance.
  22. Paint.NET only requires SP2. However, SP3 is recommended and yes I agree that "fully up-to-date" can't be claimed unless you're on SP3... And, SP2 will not be supported for much longer.
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