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About BlitheSatin

  • Birthday February 22

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  1. As someone who typically likes to design using a high resolution, I often find the max radius of 1,000 too limiting. I'm not familiar with C# or any coding language, but I thought if I copied the CodeLab code you provided and tried manually changing the variable to a higher number, it would just simply work. It didn't, but how do I fix this issue? If it helps, the error I get is this: Error at line 17: Cannot implicitly convert type 'PaintDotNet.Pair<double, double>' to 'PaintDotNet.Rendering.Vector2Double' (CS0029) Error at line 60: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'int' (CS0019) Error at line 61: 'Vector2Double' does not contain a definition for 'Second' and no accessible extension method 'Second' accepting a first argument of type 'Vector2Double' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS1061)
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