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  1. Ok. But I want to know have I violated pay.net forum rules by reposting the question about same topic on pay.net forum?
  2. I have posted the question on paint.net forum. The answers to this question did not clear my doubts. Then I posted a question on the same topic again with a little explanation. Actually, I want to know if I post a question on the paint.net forum and I am not satisfied with the answer to that question, is it against the rules of the paint.net forum to post the same question about the same topic? Screenshots of the questions that I asked
  3. Sorry, I am asking this question again just to clear my doubt because I had asked the question before but my doubt was not cleared. Can I use the image edited on Paint.net commercially for my business purpose? For example, I have created the image in Paint.Net (just for example). Bat and football I made from the shapes given in paint.net. The font I've used is "LATO Black". Can I post this photo on Instagram or another social media platform for business purpose? Or do I have to credit paint.net in the description? Or can't I use the image edited from Paint.net commercially? Please tell me
  4. I took the picture myself with mobile and now I am editing this picture with paint.net. Can I use the edited images for business purpose?
  5. So it means whatever image I edit by using paint.net, I can use it for business purpose ? also please tell me is their any restriction on using tools, text or whatever includes in paint.net software ?
  6. Hi, Can I use those images for free for business purpose or post them on socail media which I have edited by using free version of paint.net and without giving credit to paint.net?
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