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  1. It's looking like the only way to do it right is to select around the image just perfectly with lasso + magic wand, black + white the hair, then adjust levels. I'm terrribbblee at the selection part though..
  2. @Pixey Yes, I've tried it, but as you can see in your example, that seems to just put a white overlay on top of the orange..I'd need the image to be selected and made Black and White first..
  3. I have tried the tolerance, for these images it's still quite difficult. I totally forgot about the Lasso Tool, haven't used it before honestly. Heck yeah! Melee is awesome, been playing it 20 years! So I tried selecting the area, and used Lasso to help, now it became a cluster F after I edited the color...with my terrible selection skills lmao
  4. Hi all, I've been working on Recoloring characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee for some time now. I'm currently trying to get Ganondorf's Hair Color to change from Orangish to White/gray. Using the Magic Wand Tool always ends up selecting too much, or not enough of certain areas, and it's even harder to NOT select any part of his skin/face. At this point I honestly have no idea how to get the colors changed accurately. Will Link all images below. Thank you!
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