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Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Rice Balls

  1. @Tactilis Let's use the chessboard as an example. In order to select the board from the white background I'd have to zoom in to get the exact pixel, click, and slowly drag my mouse while zoomed in, depending on the image size this can take quite a while. I could also zoom out, but when I try to do this I will often accidently hit the right mouse button while using the scroll wheel messing everything up, as having my fingers in that position on the mouse is awkward. I'm aware this tool would be fairly niche. I originally wanted to make a custom plugin for myself, but once I realised that wasn't possible to do for a tool I thought posting here would be the only other option. Also the idea of not having to hold down left mouse the entire time is appealing to me. Also also, when I was working on a project I wanted to get the size of a rectangular part of an image, so what I would do was to zoom into one corner, make a tiny rectangle select, zoom into the opposite corner and make another while holding CTRL. Then I would CTRL+Shift+X and immediately CTRL+R to get the size. This is where I got the idea from initially.
  2. I couldn't find anything like this requested online so forgive me if this isn't original. I wanted to request a new selection tool where you pick one corner of an image and another corner of an image and it automatically selects a rectangle over that area. Example picture:
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