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Everything posted by Slamb

  1. the problem is fixed 😊 instead of portable zip i downloaded install zip, extracted the exe and this version doesnt have problem with defender 😮 im testing it for one day already and no stuck at all currently i use the content only from paint.net.5.0.install.x64\x64 folder, but there was also some PaintDotNet_x64.msi inside 🤔
  2. i dont know how all these things work, but i understood you need some free timestamp server that does not have rate limiting 🤔 i tried to find some and found this https://freetsa.org/, it has many options and apis, but i didnt manage to find some info about rate limiting 😔 also found some fresh TSA list https://gist.github.com/Manouchehri/fd754e402d98430243455713efada710?permalink_comment_id=3810141#gistcomment-3810141, maybe you can find something suitable there 🤔
  3. I just wanted to be sure if something wrong didn't happen to new Paint 🙂 Started a topic on Microsoft forum 👍
  4. Once or twice a day, the launch of Paint.net takes forever, maybe half a minute or even more. I found this topic and adding Paint.Net folder to Defender exclusions seems to fixed the problem. But why Defender thinks theres something suspicious in Paint.Net? 🤔 I dont use any plugins, any modifications, only clean portable app without any tweaks. I tried deleting whole app, whole settings in AppData, but with no effect. There wasnt such problem with 4.3 🤔
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