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  1. Also slight problem, I tried to click the link for the x64 installer and when it opened in a new tab it says "not found."
  2. v.5??? I didn't know this was a thing, wow. Is v5.0 actually stable, though? Or will there be a noticeable amount of instability and bugs? And will I have to move all of my plugins over?
  3. I'm getting a drawing tablet soon and I want to know if it supports any tablet no matter what company or model or if there's certain tablets I should get that are only supported on PDN. Furthermore, how do drawing tablets work on PDN? Does it act as a mouse or will I need a mouse to select tools and other features? If I press the pen against the tablet will it automatically start drawing on the canvas or is that a limitation?
  4. Thank you! I will also give that a try. Where would these tools be by the way?
  5. Very much appreciated! Do you think you could give me a bit more of a step-by-step process to how you made that pattern?
  6. Hey! I'm currently designing a knife and I wanted to try to make a damascus steel pattern into the metal and I want it to look good. Anyone have any tips and tricks to do this? I don't feel right about going on Google and throwing patterns in that might be copyrighted or owned by someone, so I wanted to do them myself. I have not seen much of any Damascus patterns in shape form on Google anyway and I've seen no tutorials of how to do it on here. Any help is much appreciated!
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