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  1. I did create a new layer for these eyes... So every single new shape or item needs a new layer? Sux. I used to be able to use this software, did loads with it around 15 years ago - now I'm lost. I'm just poking and prodding at things, nothing quite makes sense or seems to work anymore, not as expected anyway. I've literally just created the dark blank screen and 2 toony eyes in MS Word instead, because it was easier. How can that make sense? Seems my fond memories of how easy Paint.net was were false memories 😔
  2. Most ridiculous question ever - I created a shape, a round shape. I was able to fill it, with a color. I created another round shape inside it, and... I'm stuck (I'm trying to create a pair of cartoony eyes)? How do I select that shape? I don't want to lasso it, select a rectangular area of other things, I JUST WANT TO CLICK ON THAT SHAPE TO SELECT IT AGAIN. I can't believe I'm having to hunt through help files and ask on a forum how to do this? I literally quit using a more fancy program and returned to Paint in frustration - and now I'm lost on this! I'm sure there used to be a simple, straightforward arrow/cursor type thing, and when you choose that tool you could select stuff, but it's missing or I misremembered or something? I just want to click on that shape so I can copy/paste it or change the color or whatever. How??
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