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Everything posted by Jayvan

  1. Thank-you! I downloaded dynamic draw and found how to work it this time, though this had led to more questions!
  2. Hello, How might I delete brushes from dynamic draw that I no longer wish to use? Thank-you.
  3. Hello, I didn't want to revive an old topic so I will post here I think this will be okay. When I download custombrushesmini, it doesn't have the custombrushesmini.pdb in the folder so I can't put it in the effects folder. Also, when I do put the remaining two custombrushesmini.dll and SBCommon.dll and then restart paint.net it won't automatically create a userfile saying ''custom brushes'' which is preventing me from using the plug in properly. Thank-you for your help. I've had this problem for the past couple of months but wasn't sure how to ask.
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