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  1. Thanks, i tried and will keep that. But i still hope that there will be some cursor options, as i do not like the dark mode at all. I have thought about this before, but it is a global setting and it is kind of annoying whenever you use shortcuts and other programs.
  2. Dear developer, first of all, thank you for the great work! paint.net is one of the best tools out there - especially because it is easy to use and the ability to improve into more advanced editing, covering most of the use cases with a little bit of extra spice (and even adds features due addons). But there is one thing that started to bother me over the years now more and more... and i reeeeeaaally hope that this will be added some day: An option in the settings to adjust the cursor / crosshair size or even type or color. Over the last 20 years i have upgraded my workstation from 17" to 19" to 24" and most recently to two 27" displays. So whenever you open paint.net naked or you have a big canvas area around the actual picture, this is how it looks like: Where is my cursor? (it's in the top area on the right) This is what usually happens: *lost track of cursor* *moving mouse wildly* /fail *trying to find the two little marks on the tapeline, start with top, continue with the left one* /fail *again moving mouse wildly to the left to finally move it to my second screen, where i can find it at once* *move the mouse slower followed by my eyes to the point of interest back to first screen* <repeat at some point> Also it get's even harder to see once you start moving the mouse. Am i the only one suffering from this "issue"? Maybe there is already an option or addon to solve my problem? (buy glasses hah ) Thank you for hopefully considering (and adding) this feature in the future. I will donate a little extra for this.
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