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Everything posted by Peter1

  1. It is just a little nuisance. When I toggle the visibilty of a layer, the rotation center gets reset to the center of the selection, instead of remaining at the place where I did put it. The use case is that I want to match two layers, and image and a base map, zooming and rotating, and to judge the match, I toggle the top layer on and off. To make the post colorful, I show a screen shot of the work in progress (the yellow part is image, the orange part is void and transparent, the brown is map). Version is paint.net ( I do not assume 5.0.11 would have changed exactly this). Thanks.
  2. Thank you for explaining the situation and I'm sorry not reading your answer earlier. I didn'nt notice that it concerns the ctrl-B behaviour. My screen is just 15,6 inch and palettes overlap the image on opening, or ctrl-B. I consider this: Zooming is allowed in the ctrl-B situation. if panning is inhibited for a reason (which ones?), zooming should be inhibited also, until ctrl-B is released. (Currently panning-after-zoom is allowed, but the inverse, zoom-after-panning is inhibited in the ctrl-B situation. Yet, zoom-after-panning seems more natural to go to the initial, or next, work area on the image.) Is somebody depending on this ctrl-B-panning behaviour? Why not keep panning anyway unlocked after a ctrl-B, or after clicking the icon in the zoom controls at lower right (between % and ruler)? (version still 5.0.6) Thanks Peter.
  3. Hi When I open a .pdn, and select the Pan tool (hand, or it is preselected from settings), I get the hand with an X and can't move the canvas. Zooming however works. But as soon as I do a zoom and back (=no-op), I can move the canvas. Why would I want to move the canvas first, before doing anything else? For example to center to the part of the canvas where I want to work (and before zooming), or to avoid palettes. That has been in all versions of paint.net >=4.x, since I know paint.net, including the current 5.0.6 (Installer, not Microsoft Store). Thanks. Peter. (And I'd like to remember the run-away behaviour of the drawing and selection tools when dragging the mouse near the window border, but still inside it, which makes precision work sometimes surprising).
  4. Glad that you found a copy of the drawing (as help was impossible from the zip). analytical followup steps: Nevertheless I suggest that you do a drawing again of the same size and probably two layers (not hours of course, but seconds...) and do the SAME saving again, as you remember you did, to find out what went wrong, or what did interact with the saving process in such a way that paint.NET was not able to write the contents. PS both the screenshot you mention, and the contents of the zip do have timestamps, date-created and date-modified (contents of the zip are dated 2022-05-09 10:50h). Which one was earlier? PS With Search in Explorer for *.pdn, do you find another place where paint.NET did store something? PS how did you create the zip? not with the zip-plugin from paint.NET?
  5. Remember what you did before you saved the image. I suggest you do the drawing again (if it has been your own drawing), as it was not large, or access the source again (if it was not your drawing originally) and do your modifications again, or if it is a plain not-your "image", get it again and compare. Perhaps something did not agree with the non-english letters in the file name. The file you posted here is essentially just empty, instead of image data it contains all binary zeroes and without information about the "image" type.
  6. The file has length 9127, resp. 23a7h bytes, and it contains just binary zeroes. I therefore suggest to simply try to save again, unless maybe your source did not allow this...
  7. I' like to ask what interpolation is used, in the Levels adjustment, between the "white" and the "gray" output point, and the "gray" and the "black" output point? Is it linear interpolation or a curvy, smooth interpolation like in the Curves adjustment? ( the question is also inspired by the Curves+ adjustment, where there is choice?) Thanks the question is related to the recent discussion here:
  8. generic troubleshooting would include (and skipping those steps that you do not understand): - get the latest official version from getpaint.net - try Repair from Control Panels-Programs and Features. - try the portable version - try the 32bit-version instead of the 64-bit version, and reverse (these downloads here: https://github.com/paintdotnet/release/releases) - try an older version if you find one or did keep one - clean the registry, that is the appropriate keys, with regedit (that is, rename the appropriate keys named paint.NET to paint.NETx) - clean AppData and ProgramData (that is, rename the appropriate folders named paint.NET to paint.NETx) - remove plugins - disable your antivirus program temporarely. it is probably faster, than analyzing the specific stack trace. Defragmenting the disk is surely not related. - The message in Swedish, Filen eller katalogen är skadad och kan inte läsas reads: Therefore checking the disk from Explorer - click disk - Properties - Tools would be helpful (I don't know how properly in english).
  9. double-clicking would allow to set the "gray" point in all three color components RGB individually at once, as can be done with the "white" and the "black" points. I agree that it is difficult, because "gray" has to be restricted into a cube between the "white" and the "black" color points, and I have to go to "define colors" to see the current point and change it. Whether setting gray in all color components is useful, remains a question, but I did have a use case with my blueish take. supplemental question: what happens between the "white" and the "gray" output point, and the "gray" and the "black" output point? Is it linear interpolation or a curvy interpolation?
  10. @Pixey, Maybe it depends on some version? I'm running version 4.3.10 (not from the Microsoft store), installed, from the 64-bit-installer.
  11. The gray point swatch in the Levels UI cannot be double-clicked, but according to the documentation it should be possible. I don't yet know whether it would be helpful, but it seemed an easy way to adjust all three color grays individually at the same time. PS: Levels Auto command was very useful to get an initial guess for my de-haze task. Quoted from the documentation: On the right-hand side, three color swatches appear: one each for the output white and black points and another for the output grey point. These colors can be adjusted using the numeric inputs, the slider, or by double-clicking on the color swatch itself.
  12. I believe I found a good solution. The original is the blue image, taken in the year 1982. The second is a intermediary one I don't recall how I did it, but serving as base for seven variants, the third is the mix of these variants and is good enough, providing depth and color. The artifacts in the sky are from the Sharpen operations. Actually I tried many variants in paint.net using Levels, Auto-Level, Curves+ and Sharpen, and mixed seven promising versions with equal weights 1/7 (opacities 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1). I'm curious what an experienced user will result.
  13. I do have to unfog/unmist a picture C, somehow, to get more of its content. (1) and (2) which follow are circumscriptions of it, or attempts at it. (1) Where are the blend modes explained? e.g. as formulas like this one (Ego Eram Reputo, Mai 12, 2021, topic/118210-question-about-blend-modes, comment=583366 ) I followed the advice in the help documentation to search the forum for "blend modes", but the search returned "126 pages", where I'm lost. (2) Actually I would need I think, a convex mixing of two layers, to simulate fog/mist, which is C = a*A + (1-a)*B, where: a in the range 0..1, A the picture, B a fog simulation, C the "fogged" picture. and its inverse to unfog/unmist, which I would try as A=1/a*C + (1-1/a)*B, where: 1/a is obviously greater than 1. Thanks.
  14. Yes agreed, you did explain the intentions. I pointed out that there are TWO mouse positions that could be considered. The one in the zoomed-in view, and the one in the zoomed-to-window view. They have the same mouse coordinates relative to the window, but one of the two is just plain hazard, as long as the mouse is not "intentionally" moved to a new point of interest mostly in the zoomed-to-window view. The hazard half would lead to a lose of the work focus, or point of interest.
  15. I vote (as of tonight, very early morning) for ctrl+click to toggle the visibility. This is near to click to change the layer, and does not require a very precise hitting the visibility checkbox.
  16. i vote for a default type of PDN even if there is only one layer yet. Because soon there will be more layers
  17. "autoscrolling out of the window makes huge selections or moves" This behaviour is unchanged in Paint.Net version 4.3.8. In addition I noticed that it is not entirely clear where is the hot spot in the Hand cursor. The run-away occurs always, but depending on whether I grap the nub with the finger tip, the palm, or the lowest part of the hand (dont know how in english, "Handgelenk"), it occurs a few pixel nearer or more distant from the window border, but always inside of the window.
  18. This behaviour is unchanged in Paint.Net 4.3.8
  19. The middle nubs go to the straight line and stay there at the thirds, and remain internally moved at the thirds, when switching to the straight line, and go grey, or disappear. When switching from a straight line to a curve, the middle nubs stay, go black, become freely movable, or appear at the thirds. When Undoing in the history, it is Undo. Internal Disappear and Appear is less preferable (not really an option), from a programmers point of view, than internally fixed, versus free move. Visible Disappear and Appear is an option, of course, instead of going grey. When just one single middle Nub is clicked (perhaps dragged) with some Modifier key (shift), it goes back to the straight line between the two end points (to fix a misplaced middle nub to a well known place). The end points do stay anyway, don't they? When an end point is dragged with a modifier key (shift), the aligment concerns the end points, this endpoint related to the other. It is interface handling (except fixing middle nubs at the thirds, this is new), and not drawing algorithm. Would that sound sane? When we are in the rotate zone (or right drag to rotate), it is rotate. The rotate anchor is initially in the middle. (the rotate anchor is new, as the rotate zone). There could even be a selection rectangle around the Line/Curve while it is in the drawing layer. (Or a modifier for proportional stretching.) That would be new too, but not completely.
  20. if one has enough time to do it pixelwise, and there is the fight against anti-aliasing.... My rectangles are on that layer (own) already
  21. That's a good work-around, especially when the extended palette is open (I do have a transparent color there). The other is the Effect "Selection(2)Clear", and depending on the situation one or the other is easier.
  22. recently I needed a straight line. I drafted a rectangle, adjusting TL and TR to where I had to go (rotation, drag, move), and made its width small. Another way is to erase three sides of it, but the smally variant is possible, and better.
  23. When I press Backspace, it is a Paint Bucket of the selection with the primary color (and obviously using Overwrite Blending Mode), aka Fill Selection, and keeps the selection. That's ok I'm lead to assume that Delete is simply a Paint Bucket with Transparency (using Overwrite Blending mode)? Therefore should keep selection.
  24. not really, because go to the first or last layer is handled by ctrl+alt+PgUp/PgDn and not by alt+Home or Alt+End (consistently). Two of the Alt+xxx are already committed to the Layers windows. how about alt+num keypad -? or what would please you, near ALT+pgup/pgdn (+)something different yet, something new, I get a lot of Move Pixels in the history; I can't even say when a new line gets added. Could they be numbered? That is the whole history numbered such that it is also possible to reference (taking note for example) a certain state. (I do have to align 2 images and judge it, it is not clear what is best, and it is contradictory, it would really be useful to be able to distinguish them)
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