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  1. I don't have anything particularly impressive, but here is one I made in DungeonDraft. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JkFKAQ8m1DTNnNWceR_bGSEbbKDP7BaL/view?usp=sharing
  2. Maps for RPG/DnD 5e that I then import into Foundry VTT. I just started with Foundry and trying to get all my old content into the online tabletop. In many cases that means making a new digital map from scratch based on an old paper sketch.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hw7OtTasHDi2-u2XVedC6ka50A7UfPOV/view?usp=sharing
  4. Okay, here is a workaround I found if anyone is looking to do this in the future... I do have a tool, DungeonDraft, that allows me to export a Universal Battle Map/dd2vtt file. Step 1: Export universal battlemap example: ExampleMap.dd2vtt Step 2: Download this tool from Github: https://github.com/beamer159/uvtt-insect/releases/tag/v0.1.0 (you only need the .exe file) Step 3: Place the uvtt-insect.exe file in the same folder as your exported battlemap Step 4: In FileExplorer, look for the File tab at the top right; click on it; select Windows Powershell and run it as administrator Step 5: place the following command into the Powershell window: .\uvtt-insect extract -i ExampleMap.dd2vtt Result: a new PNG file named ExampleMap.png will show up in the folder. Step 6: Open the PNG with paint.net and edit to your heart's content. Step 7: Save the file , does NOT need to be PNG, can be WEBP (recommended), not sure what other file types will work (same folder location) Step 8: place the following command into the Powershell window: .\uvtt-insect insert -i ExampleMap.dd2vtt -m ExampleMap.webp Result: the dd2vtt file contains the updated image.
  5. Hi folks. I am trying to figure out how I might make game maps in paint.net and then convert them into a dd2vtt file. It's really hard to find any info on the dd2vtt file format searching around the web. When I open a dd2vtt file with Notepad++ it looks like there are some file properties/metadata that would be easy to recreate, but the image shows up as a massive text string. Any pointers in the right direction appreciated, as I did not see any pant.net plugins regarding this file format.
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