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Everything posted by wacher

  1. How to do this? I see also that there are 14 different layer blending modes, I don't know which one would be best.
  2. More appropriate tool from this plugin seems to be Blur Selection Edge, too bad it only blurs inwards the selection and not both inwards and outwards, the effect could be a lot better.
  3. The line is where the new rotated background meets with old, preserved background during rotation, it leaves a visible line if you look closely, I marked it with black line on the second image.
  4. I'm referring to the line that goes like this, you can see bits of lighter pixels, it's a bit more visible on the whole image since I posted just a small part, It's not that visible if you don't look for it, but still not clean work.
  5. What would be the best way to deal with this? Using brush comes to my mind, but it's very laborious, is there a better way? I saved it in jpg hoping compression would fix it, but it did little change.
  6. When you use Layers->Rotate/Zoom to rotate you can select Preserve Background, is it possible when using Move Selected Pixels and right mouse button to rotate?
  7. Thank you, bicubic shows significant improvement. What is the point of pixelated/antialiased settings though? There seems to be no difference between bicubic/pixelated and bicubic/antialiased and saved images have almost exact same size.
  8. I've created a new file within the paint.net and then copied and pasted my selection in there from file "x", do I lose any data doing this?
  9. I'm trying to create several crops out of an image say named "x", when I use "save as" option to create a cropped part of image say named "y", the file in paint.net also gets replaced by that new image. Is this an intended interaction, and if yes, is there a way to turn it off? I want the "y" to be created, but operate in the program still on the "x" file.
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