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Everything posted by SignorOmbra

  1. Alright, tried implementing it in a for loop... Now it's colliding with itself! Help is appreciated. (Don't mind the other variables, I'm also making a "trail" effect with some of pyrochild's code as reference.) protected unsafe override void OnRender(Rectangle[] renderRects, int startIndex, int length) { Surface destination = DstArgs.Surface; Surface source = SrcArgs.Surface; Rectangle bounds = SrcArgs.Bounds; Surface customSurface = new Surface(source.Width, source.Height); customSurface.FitSurface(ResamplingAlgorithm.Fant, source); destination.CopySurface(source, renderRects); double cx = (source.Width - 1) / 2; double cy = (source.Height - 1) / 2; double ix, iy, nx, ny, tx, ty; int fx, fy; foreach (Rectangle rect in renderRects) { for ( double xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0; xOffset <= DistanceX && yOffset <= DistanceY; xOffset += SpacingX, yOffset += SpacingY ) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; float xDirectionOffset = -(float)xOffset * DirectionX; float yDirectionOffset = -(float)yOffset * DirectionY; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; ++y) { float sourceY = y + yDirectionOffset; if (!(bounds.Top <= sourceY && sourceY < bounds.Bottom)) { continue; } ColorBgra* destinationPoint = destination.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); ColorBgra* sourcePoint = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(0, (int)sourceY); for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; ++x) { double zoom = 1 + ((x + y) * 0.001); ix = (double)(x) - cx; iy = (double)(y) - cy; nx = ix * zoom; ny = iy * zoom; tx = nx - ix; ty = ny - iy; fx = Math.Min(Math.Max(x + (int)(tx), 0), destination.Width - 1); fy = Math.Min(Math.Max(y + (int)(ty), 0), destination.Height - 1); destination[x, y] = destination[fx, fy]; } } } } }
  2. Yes, I am. I'm attempting to "zoom out" an image, similar to the rotate/zoom effect. (Minus the rotation, of course). Would that be possible?
  3. Hi, right now I'm making a plugin that needs to clone and scale an image multiple times by a pixel or so. Doing it without CodeLab, and I have no clue about the math behind that. If anybody could help, that would be great!
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