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Everything posted by pixelmancer

  1. i can't fathom how im screwing this up then. first image is his result, second is mine. all im doing is hue/saturation tool to make blue dots red.
  2. my version is 4.3.4. i1 is what my options are. i2 are the options of another guy who did exactly what im trying to do. and he has DXT5 (Interpolated Alpha) as an option, i don't.
  3. when i go to save an image it isnt there. is it a plugin? i specifically need DXT5 (Interpolated Alpha) so it wont break a texture im editing.
  4. bc1 linear dxt1 error metric perceptual generate mipmaps and supersampling
  5. so i took a dds it to black and white, and then when i save it the file and open it again in pdn it has added nasty purple and green colors and compression! disgusting!!! is this program just bad with dds's? is there some compression setting im missing? pics of the issue: virgin file opened in pdn for the first time: https://i.imgur.com/nPvOH0Z.jpg after i saved it in pdn: https://i.imgur.com/5M5XBMS.jpg
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