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  1. Yep, I just used that to get a satisfactory result. Thanks for the advice 🙂
  2. Oh, I saw the plugin was from 2008 and just thought It wouldn't work maybe because it's too old and outdated Just checked and the plugin works fine. My bad about that. However, I can't get the result I want with it. I want to make this one down here to have the same color tone as this one (Maybe a little bit bluer?) But I get this as a result when I "match color" with that plugin; I've tried manually adjusting the color tone using one of BoltBait's plugins but I couldn't get them to have the same color tone by myself. Would there be any way to do this? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi there! I wonder what is the easiest way to match color like this in Paint.NET. https://pin.it/WVyUqNr I found this plugin but I'm not sure if it still works. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/10631-color-match/
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