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Everything posted by ardneh

  1. Put the grass layer above the dry mud layer. Make a new layer above the grass layer and fill it with Clouds at maximum roughness. Copy then delete the Clouds layer. Apply the Paste Alpha plugin, set to - Shades of gray on clipboard.
  2. To use the Shift key maintaining the adjusted aspect ratio press: Ctrl+Alt+Shift C Ctrl+Alt+Shift V Then resize with Shift key.
  3. @CyberFlame This may or might not be helpful for what you want to outline. Make a rectangular selection around the object that you want to outline. Copy, then paste into a new image. Ctrl Alt V Center the object in the canvas with the Align Object plugin. Duplicate the layer, change the lower layer object to the color that you want for the outline. Apply - Layers > Rotate / Zoom Merge layers. Copy and paste into a new layer in the original image. Reposition as needed.
  4. Not sure exactly what you want to do. Is it something like this, which is a white block on a layer below the text that has been Gaussian blurred, then had the Opacity reduced in Layer Properties. If not then maybe you could explain further what you want.
  5. Duplicate the background layer. With the selection active press Delete on the keyboard. This will erase the selected pixels on the top layer. Put the smiley or whatever on a layer between top and background layer. Adjust opacity.
  6. Clone Stamp works well on the image that you posted. Other options: Content Aware Fill plugin. psfilterpdn plugin used with Wire Worm. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/20622-psfilterpdn-2021-07-29/ https://www.vicanek.de/imageprocessing/wireworm.htm https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/19117-the-subterranean-copypaste-blues/
  7. With the selection active press Delete on the keyboard. This will erase the selected pixels. Put the smiley or whatever on a layer below.
  8. This is the single layer image that you posted with Effects > Noise > Median applied with settings: Radius 8 Percentile 50
  9. SpacedTextPlugin.pdb file also needs to be in the Effects folder.
  10. Your screenshot shows Layer 2 as hidden. Tick the check box on Layer 2.
  11. @aijaz What you want is not possible. You can use the keyboard shortcut K and have Color Picker set to Switch to previous tool. I agree. If so, I'd like to know that reason.
  12. To clean up the unselected bits use the Ctrl key with other selection tools. Ctrl+Rectangle Select works well with the image that you posted.
  13. Convert a horizontal strip to semicircular arc. Plugin needed - Polar Transformation Image used: This example image is 1024 X 341. Open the image in paint.net. Expand the canvas to a square with dimensions of twice the horizontal pixels of the original image, anchored bottom-center. Magic Wand the alpha. Invert selection. Ctrl+I Make the Move Selected Pixels tool active. Move the selected pixels up 1 pixel using the up-arrow key on the keyboard. Now grab the top-center Control Nub and stretch the selected pixels to 4 times their original height. Deselect. Apply the Polar Transformation plugin set to: Transform rectangular to polar. Resize the image to 50%. If you wish to invert the arc: Image > Flip Vertical
  14. If you have paint.net open, Win+Shift+S plus Ctrl+Alt+V will open a new file of the screenshot.
  15. Perhaps this plugin could be of use: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110911-tileworld/
  16. Search term Dynamic Draw draws a blank.
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