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  1. I wanted to ask you directly, Pixey, but the forum page doesn't seem to have the "reply" to each person's post like some forums have. It only lets me reply to the last post.
  2. Hello. I know this is an old post, but how on earth are ya'll doing stuff like this with trail blur? All I can do is make it smear and image or make it heavily streaked looking. PS: I typed trail blur in the forum search box and nothing comes up. I only found this page through a Google search.
  3. Hello. First time poster here. I'm running an old Windows 7 64bit laptop. I downloaded this plugin pack today and Microsoft Security Essentials flagged it as "not secure" so I let it delete the download. I don't think that's ever happened before with a download from this site. Has anyone else had this issue? Can I get this plugin pack safely? Thanks.
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