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Everything posted by RandomUser123456

  1. After changing the original .agif to how I want it I then save it as a gif file. I notice that the gif is just a still image, and I change the extension to .agif and when i check the layers all I see is one.
  2. Okay I tried that, I just have Frame 1 checkboxed and when I do save as it only shows that one frame. I then open it with Paint.NET and check the layers. All the other layers are gone except for the 1st frame and the frame in question says
  3. I guess my question is do I tick all the boxes in the 'Layers' section or just the first one?
  4. Just one more quick question on how to actually use the software. I'm using it to the cut out the background for the gif I have in question. I have that all done: Now how do i properly save it. Cause every time I try to save it as a .gif file I just get a still image. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. updating worked! feel like such a clown now. Thanks for the help!
  6. I'm using paint.net 4.0.21, and I don't see any errors
  7. Sorry, I should have been more clear, I don't see it when I try to open file in Paint.NE. I only see the APNG file type
  8. Made a breakthrough, I can see the APNG file types, but I don't see the AGIF file types even though I added all the files into the dir Paint.NET\FileTypes:
  9. Okay, so I only have ImAGIF.FileType.dlc out of those redboxes, I don't see the .dll file in this pic. Also do I need the ImAPNG stuff too? Also where did you put the .pdb file? is that also in the Paint.NET\FileTypes directory?
  10. Added and still don't see it :(. Is there a good way to restart paint? All I do is just close out of the application and nothing else
  11. I actually don't have anything in there other than the ImAGIF files
  12. Yes I did notice that, but I do not see AnimGIF.dll within the Paint.NET folder: and how do I restart Paint.NET? I simply close out of it and assumed that is good enough.
  13. Hey, I follow the steps from the readme.txt and added the .dlc/dll files into Paint.NET/FileTypes, but Paint.net doesn't recognize the .agif format. FileTypes folder: All image types: Any suggestions?
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