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Everything posted by Rico285

  1. Please check my latest Autoportrait! https://www.facebook.com/MalatestaArtist/photos/a.441666245980500/1798012617012516/?__cft__[0]=AZVKaoJDtFyvtXAoZhiZ2E3WdR6Lnl6-VfdaJa3OFxmw4I4D7kk_dqrPwSdNRvjUf-eA8hB3Z4xOJK9vB0yyufxDZcaHivu-Fp6DewaZ0pfrndG9qtqxyJlXBYoD-nBWVBsS1onx9AJxzQ0yO-z15pdzDhhj8eKhicrnFLPw2A1iN608uV80nOfCyy9AO3G1t4U&__tn__=EH-R
  2. Hello Everyone. I hope you all are staying safe! If you feel like it please check my latest... https://www.facebook.com/MalatestaArtist/photos/a.441666245980500/1771325956347849/?__cft__[0]=AZXZuCKMrbqzZ_nbjGf_GIR0ViSzwFWUtcIZ5f3ozLCfhS0ujSpyqpRdJV4AGT1ie7EgV4ENKurRgG0FK9fTYeDdhSnGRMTznhEFPfzAEjMws5b_iVpbwlC7Yix6sjwSEb2IuRQIsOcn26VJVbbdm4-6xi4mto9IJCZW0VQ3npTEE6OE_JcKsP5mWlOWv2AxDWo&__tn__=EH-R Cheers!
  3. https://www.facebook.com/MalatestaArtist/photos/a.441666245980500/1727183487428763/?__cft__[0]=AZXJuyEQnEGbNVr69f-VBEhJ8izCh6uFTwFJd0jt7OAmLyCwL_1bUhAYeLp-58c9lt3ZpX7bY9qBO9nKk6xVOcLznY2CcZ2cb46M1WKrscoou6Bgm00xkVQodEXICJob3TvsB1I_MeZQQxhDcNeMv-Pn&__tn__=EH-R Maybe you would like to take a look?
  4. Hi Pixey, wow! Dug's art is really good. He is obviously inspired by the Surrealism movement of the 1920s . So am I. After seeing his work, i understand how much more i need to do to really express myself. Thanks for sharing .
  5. A bit dark..... sometimes there's not enough light inside. Don't be afraid to show it!
  6. Make love not war. When I was a teen, this was our leitmotif . Looks like we are far away nowadays.
  7. Hello to all here. Thanks for your kind comments. I'll add another 2 . I am in the process of setting up a website. There you will find all my old stuff ... and new. It's weird to see how you can actually change and progress/regress . This next piece is 1993.... time flies. This is acrylic on canvas ~ 2m x 1.5m
  8. I do mainly photo manipulation. I use myself as model, not because of narcissism, but because when i try other subjects I don't always get positive response...
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