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Everything posted by otuncelli

  1. Those two shapes are 'trapezoids', not rhombuses. It's also a built-in shape. Diamond shape in Paint.NET is actually a rhombus. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhombus)
  2. You won't be able to select it if you put it in the same layer. You should put your secondary shape into another layer. When working on Paint.NET, make a habit of using layers. Learned the hard way.
  3. Would that tiny preview image does it for you? Because that's how it's stored in the Registry. It's only 66x66 pixels. Easier way to extract this image without dealing with Windows Registry and Base64 decoding stuff. Take a screenshot (Print Screen) of Paint.NET while "Open Recent" menu is open and then paste it as a new image (CTRL+ALT+V). Then you can crop the image you want from the menu. This method would work nicely if the image was icon, emoji with no alpha.
  4. This doesn't mean the file is available. It's just a thumbnail stored in somewhere else (usually in Windows Registry). The actual file might not be available anymore. It might be moved, deleted, corrupted etc...
  5. @yetsu8383 This looks like the issue I posted on previous page. See this: https://github.com/PsdPlugin/PsdPlugin/issues/16 I did some tests using the sample files from the test suite of psd-tools Python Package. These files can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/psd-tools/psd-tools/tree/main/tests/psd_files The files below throw an exception when I try opening them in Paint.NET. The other *.psd/.psb files in the test suite can be opened without an error but this doesn't mean they can be rendered correctly. .\layers pattern-fill.psb ✕ (See Exception #1) .\third-party-psds cactus_top.psd ✕ (See Exception #2) . 32bit.psb ✕ (See Exception #3) 32bit.psd ✕ (See Exception #3) clipping-mask2.psd ✕ (See Exception #4) layer_mask_data.psb ✕ (See Exception #5) layer_mask_data.psd ✕ (See Exception #5) mask_parameters.psd ✕ (See Exception #4) placedLayer.psb ✕ (See Exception #1) smart-object-slice.psb ✕ (See Exception #1) unicode_pathname.psb ✕ (See Exception #1) Exception #1 ----- Exception #2 ----- Exception #3 ----- Exception #4 ----- Exception #5 -----
  6. "64bit version archive (XNView MP, GIMP 64 bit)" also has Riot.dll. You can alter metadata and change referenced FreeImage.dll name via an hex editor (or coding). (It'll work as long as they have the same length. FreeImg32.dll / FreeImg64.dll would be good names). This might break the copyright though, I'm not sure.
  7. There is a security setting in Windows that can prevent certain programs to access certain directories. "Pictures" is one these protected directories. Press "Win" key (opens the Start menu) and type "Controlled folder access" and click on it. You can turn this setting off or add "PaintDotNet.exe" to its allowed list:
  8. You can try "Light Downward Diagonal" pattern instead of "Forward Diagonal". Still not perfect though. If the lines are too frequent for you, Switch to "Forward Diagonal" pattern Set Primary Color: Transparent Draw over the line.
  9. Step 1: Step 1 Output: Step 2: YinYang21 Binarization Plugin: Step 2 Output:
  10. Maybe try this? Open NVIDIA Control Panel Click Manage 3D settings Click Program Settings tab Select Paint.NET (PaintDotNet.exe) from the menu Select the preferred graphics processor for this program: High-performance NVIDIA processor
  11. A workaround. I wrote a simple AutoIt script to do this. It's not perfect though. It will still show the window (and a console window for debugging purposes), but briefly. You can compile this script into an exe and call it like this or drag & drop images on the exe's icon. script.exe "[PATH-TO-IMAGE]" It'll open the image in Paint.NET and then immediately send keys (WIN+DOWN+DOWN) minimize its window. https://www.autoitscript.com/site/ Script: #pragma compile(Console, true) Func _ConsoleWriteLine($Command) ConsoleWrite($Command) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) EndFunc #include <File.au3> local $source local $sDrive = "", $sDir = "", $sFilename = "", $sExtension = "" local $title local $version = "4.3.11" ; update this according to your current Paint.NET version If Ubound($CmdLine) > 1 Then $source = $CmdLine[1] _PathSplit($source, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFilename, $sExtension) $title = StringFormat("%s%s - paint.net %s", $sFilename, $sExtension, $version) Else $source = "" ; The window title for default canvas may be different for your locale $title = StringFormat("Untitled - paint.net %s", $sFilename, $sExtension, $version) EndIf _ConsoleWriteLine("Opening " & $source & "...") ShellExecute('paintdotnet:' & ' "' & $source & '"') _ConsoleWriteLine("Waiting " & $title & " window to become active...") WinWaitActive($title, "", 5) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 50) _ConsoleWriteLine("Sending keys...") Send("{LWINDOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{LWINUP}") _ConsoleWriteLine("Done!")
  12. @taoyue This plugin is affected by a behavior change in .NET 6.0: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/compatibility/core-libraries/6.0/partial-byte-reads-in-streams Couldn't open these files: https://github.com/psd-tools/psd-tools/raw/main/tests/psd_files/32bit.psb https://github.com/psd-tools/psd-tools/raw/main/tests/psd_files/32bit.psb Both give this error. I've created a PR on GitHub.
  13. These lines look like stretched out pixels to me. You can select a very thin rectangle then switch to "Move Selected Pixels" (Shortcut: M) then stretch them out. Alternatively, They also look like barcode. There is a plugin for that. You can even hide some message in them
  14. @TheBish Welcome to the forum. Update your Paint.NET to the latest version. You're on 4.3.10 which is now incompatible with the latest plugin pack.
  15. Look like your antivirus program had deleted/blocked (or something else had happened to) the ImXCF.Command.exe file. This file must be put right next to the ImXCF.FileType.dll. If this is not the case, see the last post on plugin's topic. Not all XCF versions are supported.
  16. Looks like, you're running out of memory. Try again after closing some other programs or images.
  17. @ReMake Works and looks fine for me
  18. @Demopan Zip a sample file and post it here. You can attach zip files.
  19. You can create symbolic/hard directory links from "Documents\paint.net User Files" or "Documents\paint.net App Files" to anywhere you want using mklink command. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/mklink. Also see here:
  20. If so, this can still be improved and the message can be more informative. For example, History doesn't contain any event that modifies the canvas. I undoed "Paintbrush" event and did a "Rectangle Select". It still thinks "the file has changed."
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