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Posts posted by CharanoDhwani

  1. Any updates on this in July 2020?


    It looks like a simple basic functionality that one should be able to draw shapes of precise shape and position it on the canvas -

    through expression where needed, rather than challenging manual labor.


    Probably through a Properties panel associated with an object (of course it remains as an object does not become pixels).


    A simple task I started to create a YouTube Channel art  requiring four rectangles of sizes


    2560 x 1440

    2560 x 423

    1855 x 423

    1546 x 423


    all centred on the canvas of size 2560 x 1440 has become an incredibly formidable task.


    I can use Object Align effect for centering, but it is a hit and miss game for rectangle size by dragging using mouse or using keyboard.

    I cannot get to precise sizes as it always jumps to by 2/3 pixels on either side.


    Paint.Net developers -- appreciate your fixing this for everyone with a high priority. 

    Given the extensive features and capabilities of Paint.net, such basic missing functionality looks rather intriguing.  


    Thanks Sri.


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