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Everything posted by pascal

  1. Version 2 available! Added some extra features. - Now contains more properties to sort on, including complete randomness. It includes all of the following: RGB, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Hue, Saturation, Value, Lightness, Luma, Minimum and Random. The previous Value setting is now RGB, with the current Value being the value of the pixel's HSV color. - Added Edge detection as an extra interval function besides Threshold. This can be used to keep the overall shapes of objects in the image. - Re-ordered the UI
  2. Version 1.1 I made some small tweaks for overall improvement. - Now uses Parallel.ForEach instead of tasks with locks, thanks to @NinthDesertDude and @null54. - Small UI tweaks. - Pre-calculates the pixel properties it has to sort on. - More efficient sorting using arrays and vectors.
  3. Pixel Sort This plugin can be used to create a glitchy effect by sorting pixels. - Use the interval parameters to change the intensity of the effect. - It can sort in either horizontal or vertical direction. - It can sort based on multiple properties, such as value, hue, saturation or individual color channels. Note: if multiple pixels have the same property, the order might appear to be random. Download Located in: Effects > Distort > Pixel Sort PixelSort.zip Code
  4. Version 2 available - Changed the layout to make it more clear in which order things are applied. - Contrast now only applies to the color-mapped layer. - Added more blending modes. - Made the mix slider independent of blending modes. - Improved overall code.
  5. Smooth Julia Fractal This plugin is able to render any fractal from the Julia set. As opposed to my previous plugin Advanced Julia Fractal, this new plugin makes use of normalized iteration counting to blend smoothly between colors. Increasing Iterations and Quality will result in a high quality fractal. The exposure controls can be used to fix the brightness. As always, you can use my other plugin Duotone Gradient Mapping to add coloring. Download Located in: Effects > Render > Smooth Julia Fractal smoothfractal.zip Code
  6. Version 5 available - The new version is more accurate than before. It converts the RGB values to the LMS color space and takes gamma correction into account. - Protanomaly, deuteranomaly, tritanomaly and achromatomaly are removed from the plugin because those were just blending between normal vision and the corresponding deficiency. - The deficiency 'Blue-Cone Monochromacy' was added as a second type of monochromacy.
  7. Right now my attachment quota is 711.35kB / 1MB which is 69%, I'll check after this reply Edit: Thanks for fixing it. I assume it is a bug though. Like the attachments weren't properly deleted from my profile after editing the post
  8. Hi @Pixey. The problem is, those attachment do not show up in the actual post itself. The attachments are not in the post, yet the post says the limit is reached.
  9. Hi, I recently wanted to edit a post and change some attachments in that post. However, it tells me the maximum amount of attachments for that post has been reached, even though I removed all of the attachments in the post. It also gives me a link to see all the attachments I have ever uploaded, but there seems to be no option to delete any attachments. On top of that, it says the specific attachments are still in the post, even though this is not the case. Is there a way I can remove any of my unused or old attachments?
  10. Hello. This plugin can be used to generate a Voronoi texture. It comes with color options, different render options and some other settings that I considered to be useful. voronoi.zip The plugin can be found in Effects > Render > Voronoi Preview Code
  11. Hello. It has been a while, but I'm back with another plugin: Perlin Waves. This plugin uses Perlin noise to generate a wave texture. It comes with a lot of configurable options. I hope you like it! Download: perlinwaves.zip 11-11-2021 update: bug fix and changed alpha settings Effect can be found in Effects > Render > Perlin Waves Preview: Code: A part of the code comes from this Perlin noise implementation
  12. This plugin can be used to render Julia set fractals using a variety of settings. Adding color options would have made the UI too big, but it can be achieved using my Duotone Gradient Mapping plugin. I hope you enjoy this one! Download: Advanced Julia Fractal.zip Can be found in Effects > Render > Advanced Julia Fractal Previews: Code: (Made in a few hours, so there is probably a lot to improve) // Name: Advanced Julia Fractal // Submenu: Render // Author: Pascal // Title: Advanced Julia Fractal // Version: 1.0.0 // Desc: // Keywords: // URL: // Help: #region UICode IntSliderControl ca = 0; //[-300,300] Real part of constant IntSliderControl cb = 0; //[-300,300] Imaginary part of constant IntSliderControl zoom = 5000; // [1,100000] Zoom IntSliderControl xoff = 0; // [-10000,10000] Offset X IntSliderControl yoff = 0; // [-10000,10000] Offset Y IntSliderControl iterations = 50; //[1,200] Iterations IntSliderControl type = 0; //[0,3] Render type CheckboxControl innerCol = false; //Inner color CheckboxControl invert = false; //Invert CheckboxControl trans = false; //Transparency CheckboxControl invertTrans = false; //Invert Transparency IntSliderControl thresh = 0; //[0,1000] Clean IntSliderControl bright = 0; //[-100,100] Brightness IntSliderControl contr = 0; //[0,100] Contrast CheckboxControl alpha = false; //Preserve alpha #endregion public void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.SelectionBounds; int sw = selection.Right-selection.Left; int sh = selection.Bottom-selection.Top; int dw = selection.Left; int dh = selection.Top; ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; double a = x-dw; double b = y-dh; double ca = this.ca/100f; double cb = this.cb/200f; double dx = (double)xoff; double dy = (double)yoff; double zoom = Math.Pow(this.zoom/100000f,2)*100000f; float val = fractal( (a-sw/2)/zoom + dx/10000f, (b-sh/2)/zoom + dy/10000f, ca, cb, iterations, type ); double thresh = this.thresh/1000f; if(val<thresh || innerCol && val >= (iterations-1)/(float)iterations){ val=0; } if(invert){ val = 1-val; } val+= bright/100f; val = limit(val,0,1); val = contrast(val,contr); val = limit(val,0,1); CurrentPixel.R = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255); CurrentPixel.G = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255); CurrentPixel.B = (byte)limit(val*255,0,255); byte A = CurrentPixel.A; CurrentPixel.A = 255; if(trans){ if(!invert^invertTrans){ CurrentPixel.A = CurrentPixel.R; } else{ CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(255-CurrentPixel.R); } } if(alpha){ CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(CurrentPixel.A*A/255); } dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } private float fractal(double x, double y,double ca, double cb, int n, int type){ if(type == 0 && x*x+y*y<n && n>0){ return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type); } if(type == 1 && Math.Abs(x+y)<2 && n>0){ return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type); } if(type == 2 && y<2 && n>0){ return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type); } if(type == 3 && x<2 && n>0){ return fractal(x*x-y*y+ca,2*x*y+cb,ca,cb,--n,type); } else{ return 1-n/(float)iterations; } } private float limit(float v, int min, int max){ if(v>max)v=max; else if(v<min)v=min; return v; } private float contrast(float x, double c){ double y; c = Math.Pow(c/2,3); if(x <= .5f){ y = .5f * Math.Pow(2*x, (c/500)+1); } else{ y = 1 - .5f * Math.Pow(2 - 2*x, (c/500)+1); } return (float)y; }
  13. No need, for some reason it works now that I tried again. Very weird.
  14. Yes, I know that. I can edit my post, but I can’t save the edit.
  15. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I want to edit my post of a plugin I made. I made an improved version and want to edit the original post. The ‘Edit Topic’ just doesn’t do anything for some reason, does anyone know why?
  16. [April 22th 2023] Version 2 available! Back with my second plugin. This time I made a plugin that can be used to easily and quickly create a gradient mapping effect using 2 colors. I know pyrochild already made a gradient mapping tool, but this is just a simplified version using only 2 colors for dark and light tones. I added some options for post processing as well, like contrast and blending mode. Download Location: Effects > Color > Duotone Gradient Map duotonegradientmap.zip Code
  17. [June 28th 2022] Version 5 available! This plugin can be used to simulate certain colorblindness types such as: protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia, achromatopsia and blue-cone monochromacy. Download: colorblindness.zip Can be found in Effects > Color > Colorblindness Note: if you have an older version installed, remove it manually from the Paint.NET Effects folder. The old version is called colorblindness4.dll. The new version does not include the version number in the name. Preview: Code:
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