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  1. Ok no probs, I think the first info is all thats needed.
  2. IS this what i need: magicStr = fh.read(4).decode('ascii') if magicStr != 'PDN3': raise PDNReaderError('Invalid magic string for PDN file: %s' % magicStr) headerSizeStr = fh.read(3) + b'\x00' if len(headerSizeStr) != 4: raise PDNReaderError('Unable to read header size. File may be corrupted.') How do I add the begin and the footer variables? Thank You
  3. Something that answers the above format, this is apparently how it identifies the signature? Thank You Kasim
  4. ; =========================================================================================================== ; Signature Templates Usage ; =========================================================================================================== ; Empty lines and lines starting with semicolon are ignored ; Sections order and lines order in sections are not important ; Letter case is not important (excepting RegExp fields) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Section TEMPLATES - required and contains fields numbering from one ; - TEMPLATE### - points to the section where signature template is described ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Section Template Header - required and contains fields: ; - BEGIN - required. Points to the section describing begin of the signature file ; - FOOTER - required. Points to the section describing end of the signature file ; - MAX_SIZE - non-required. Maximum file size to force file-end, if no file-end signature is detected. By default it is 64Kb. ; - GROUP - non required. If missed - template goes to User Defined templates group by default ; - DESCRIPTION - non required. This is a descriptive name of user template being displayed on a screen ; - EXTENSION - non required. This is a file extension to be displayed on a screen. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Section describing file beginning (required), contains fields of the same type: ; ; signature = offset_start | offset_end ; ; signature - expression (regular or RegExp-compatible). Expression max length is 1024 bytes. ; offset_start - acceptable minimal signature offset from the beginning of the file ; offset_end - acceptable maximum signature offset from the beginning of the file ; ; If there are several fields listed in signature beginning, logical AND operation applied to confirm file start. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Section describing file end (not required), contains fields of the same type: ; ; signature [= bytes_to_append] ; ; signature - expression (regular or RegExp-compatible). Expression max length is 1024 bytes. ; bytes_to_append - not required. How many bytes to append to the file after the signature is found ; ; If there are several fields listed in signature beginning, logical OR operation applied to define file end. ; =========================================================================================================== ; Examples ; =========================================================================================================== [TEMPLATES] TEMPLATE1 = PRIMITIVE_HTML TEMPLATE2 = PRIMITIVE_JPG [PRIMITIVE_HTML] DESCRIPTION = Primitive HTML Signature EXTENSION = html BEGIN=HTML_BEGIN FOOTER=HTML_FOOTER MAX_SIZE = 655360 [HTML_BEGIN] <html = 0 | 512 <head = 0 | 1024 [HTML_FOOTER] </html> = 2 [PRIMITIVE_JPG] BEGIN=BEGIN.TEST.JPG GROUP = Images and Camera RAW files DESCRIPTION = Primitive JPG files FOOTER=FOOTER-.TEST.JPG EXTENSION = test.jpg MAX_SIZE = 3221225472 [BEGIN.TEST.JPG] \xFF\xD8\xFF = 0 | 0 [FOOTER-.TEST.JPG] \xFF\xD9
  5. Hi I am trying to use active file recovery to recover .pdns however this has to be added as a custom signature: https://www.file-recovery.com/recovery-user-signatures.htm Does anyone have these details so active file recovery can recognise the pdn signature and thus recover accidentally deleted files? Thank You Kasim
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