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  1. Thanks for the reply and I did read that but didn't find it addressed my issue. I have tried 5 different computers all running the latest Windows 10 Pro and it was the same thing conversely, I did a CLEAN install on another machine and after getting it all up and running, I was able to install Paint.net and it installed no issue so, I guess it is just a hiccup on my machines?? Thanks.
  2. Hi there, newbie alert I have been using the software for a long time and have always been impressed by it. Of late I have had to logout on my account and log in as the Machine Administrator to install an update. I have tried install as administrator on my log in but it gets part the way to installing and then retracts everything and stops. Changing to the administrator account allows me to complete the update. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I have tried it on 4 machines and get the same result. Any help would be appreciated.
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