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Everything posted by songohanssj

  1. Yes as I said, it's manageable. I just want to say that most of the other programs out there work as I whish Paint.net would work with save as. My request is also for all other users, who maybe expect the same behaviour, because we just know the "save as" function from tons of other programs: if I save a word file as PDF, then the word file is not closed, work lost and the PDF opened instead. You know what I mean? Same with Adobe, Corel, etc. It's just that "save as" in Paint.net is not working as people expect IMHO, respectively it's ok but there should be a "export" function. We don't have to discuss this any further, I just wanted to place the request in hope that the function get's changed or the "export" features is added, so that Paint.net is behaving more like other programs. Thanks and kind regards
  2. Hmm, not sure what you're all doing with your drawings 😄 In the end I want to use the images on the web or word or print them or whatever. So I have to save them as jpeg, png, gif whatever, maybe try different options, sizes, quality, modify the image and so on. So it's really not possible to just do all the work in pdn file and "at the end" save it as flattened. Because I repeat this process a lot. Therefore, my request still stands 😁
  3. Yes everything is manageable, but all these additional steps are not handy. I've lost some work a few times because I didn't think of it. Thats why I opened the request, because everything else is pretty perfect 😊 I just like to have an "export" or "save as a copy" function as suggested, so that the pdn file just stayes open as a pdn file.
  4. Yes it is closed. Open Paint.Net Add some drawings and a new layer Save it as pdn Save it as jpeg You'll be asked for the quality, and you get a message that the layers will be combined You hit "Combine" (not sure what it says in english) Now you have the jpeg file open and the pdn file is not opened in Paint.Net anymore Please test this and tell me if I'm doing something wrong 😁
  5. Thank you all for your responses. I get the extra steps and that's also what I'm doing, but the fact that the original pdn file is closed with "save as" is annoying because I have to reopen it every time. This file should stay open at least. 1+ for the "Save as a copy" feature, think that would be great. It's like export function in other drawing Tools like Corel Photo-Paint for example.
  6. Hi there I really love Paint.Net, it's my favorite painting tool. But there is one very annoying thing. If I work on a Paint.Net File (.pdn) and I want to save it as jpeg or whatelse, the behaviour of Paint.Net is not ideal. It saves the drawing as jpeg, but the original .pdn file is not saved, and even closed. The remaning File in Paint.Net is the saved jpeg, and the pdn file is gone. So if you don't save your work before "saving as", your changes are lost. Also, if you want to make lots of changes and try out your results, you always have to save your pdn fist, then save it as jpeg, close the jpeg, and finally reopen the pdn file. So I whish that you change the "save as" behaviour. It should not close the current pdn file. Or maybe you could add an "Export" function which does exactly this. Thank you so much and keep up the good work. Regards, songohanssj
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