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Posts posted by JorgeST

  1. All,


    I purchased PDN from the Microsoft store sometime yesterday.  While it did install successfully, it never started.  It crashes every single time with an identical message (see screen-grab attachment)


    The machine...

    Lenovo ThinkPad, i7, 12GB Ram, 64-bit OS (Win10) ver. 1809 (latest) with all patches and updates

    500MB Intel SSD of which approximately 70 percent is free

    All the drivers have been updated (including video chipset); however, they were correct, to begin with.

    MS dot.NET framework is 4.7.2


    All obvious steps were taken, including but not limited to try a diverse number of 'fixes' using Microsoft tools and/or utilities leading to this post.


    There are no other issues with the machine other than this program; in other words (while I did not try everything) all other installed applications appear to start with no problems.


    It is worth mentioning that the screen grab refers repeatedly to "Drive D:" which I do not have in this machine.  


    An indication pointing to the nature of the problem and/or a fix would be greatly appreciated.


    BTW: Prior to this install, there was an older version of PDN (circa 2016, now completely removed including registry entries and "Program Files" as well as "Program Data" sub-directories), which was fully functional.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate an older version to try again. Any suggestions as to a possible location of such older installation files?






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