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Lord Wolfenstein

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Everything posted by Lord Wolfenstein

  1. Because I want to look att two pictures at once. And edit two pictures at once. Have one window on each monitor. Like you can with almost every other programs. My current solution is to open GIMP on my second screen so I can look at and zoom two pictures at once. Imagine if you had to start both Firefox and Edge if you wanted to look at 2 web pages at the same time side by side? That is how annoying it is to limit itself to one instance. Imagine if you wanted to read one word document and write a new word document at the same time and you were not allowed to open two word documents side by side? That is how annoying it is to limit itself to one instance.
  2. Request for a spray have been made on a reglar basis for over 10 years. How can it not be a default tool for it yet?
  3. Just updated and it got worse. Now the zoomed in version is placed depending on the mouse location.
  4. When you work with pixel graphics it is good zoom in and center the image. I used to be able to do this by hitting Ctrl+B twice after enlarging it but now it zoomes out to the original size when hit Ctrl+B.
  5. Hard coding the font for the color picker would also solve the problem.
  6. Changing the DPI makes the graphics blurry and for image editing purposes it messes with my brain. I require the graphics to be 100% sharp.
  7. I got a laptop with small screen and high resolution. So I used the System Font Size Changer from wintools .info to make the fonts in Windows 10 bigger around the board, I changed from 9 to 11 to spare my eyes. So when I start Paint.NET the color picker looks like this. My first thought would be to make the window bigger and the problem would just disappear but it seems to not be size adjustable. Or even better, make it read the windows registry for palette titles and adjusts its size.
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